Alright, my first real forged map. here it goes: Name: Excalibur why? the sword in the middle that the map was built around. and im pretty sure you all know the old story of excalibur and king arthur. Game supports: As of now Team Slayer. Once i here reviews and comments, i will make the beta extremely soon, and will add FFA, CTF, Assault, and KOTH. Equipment: Oversheild [in the pyramid on red side] Active camo [in the pyramid on blue side] Power drain Bubble sheild Weapons: Sword Br x2 Sniper x2 Carbine x2 Spiker x2 Smg x2 Ar x2 Fuel rod gun Spartan laser Missle pod x2 Edit: In the v2 missle pods will be removed, and a second and third floor added, 2nd and 3rd floors will not be in the sky bubble they will be right above the map. Vehicles: Mongoose x4 [2 at each base] Warthog x2 [1 at each base] Link for Download: : Halo 3 File Details EDIT: In the comments tell me what you thing of adding a second floor, for more close quarters combat? [not in sky bubble] just above the map. Screent shots- This is the whole map, only problem with this screen shot is it doesnt show 4 things. the ramp at the red base leading to the top of the front wall. and the diamond walls out there each have a fused one to make an x shape. and it doesnt show some of the fuses in the walls. k? and all of this is fixed i just dont have a screen shot handy atm, all will be even better in beta. Whole map. Excalibur; Sword spawn. Some gameplay Missle pod spawn: Spartan laser spawn: [on the other side theres a Fuel rod gun Thanks, PLEASE leave comment, rewiews, and requests in the comments. I want your help to perfect it. =] ty. peace - A Tree Fairy
you need help posting pictures i see. make an account on photobucket and then go to your bungie profile and view your pictures that you used for the screenshots. click on the image and save it to your computer, then go to your photobcuket account page andclick upload from computer. then find your screenshots that you saved and upload. once you have done that, then you see your pics on photbucket. you can hover your mouse over the pics and highlight and copy the IMG code to your map post here on forgehub.
Your images aren't working correctly. You need to embed them. Check the stickied threads in the main forum.
Uhm i know how to up pics fine. i thought you could just use the posting thing to put them straight in. uhm ill re upload them then.
I checked it out in Forge and what you have so far looks pretty good. You have a ton of budget left and I would suggest adding more. Right now you have almost no areas for possible close quarters combat making the sword almost useless. Try adding more to the outside middle areas. Just my opinion.
Personally this map has waayyy to many power wepones. If one team got them all the other team wouldn't stand a chance. I like the way you did the sword in the stone, that is awsome. Don't really like the map (no offense) so 2.5/5
Yeah i know, when i drew it out on paper i didnt think id have so much open room. then when i was making it i some what paniced. add in what i though t would help. As to adding more, im completely open to the idea. as to what to add, i need help on, so anyone who comments please post what, or vauge ideas. And the sword in the stone is the thought that this map was built on. and i wasnt expecting even a 1/5 so thanks.
And it is completely comfirmed that there will be a second and third floor, on the v2 with all gametype capibillities. and will probably be out in around 2 weeks.
Yes i know, and thats why im adding a close quartes combat area, on top of this, but ot in the sky bubble. it will be be 2 floated floors above this. they will have corridors and such, [they wont be just and open floor, lol]
nice With A Tree Fairy's idea and lack of forging skills, i jumped right on the idea of helping to make this map because when we were making this map it was only me who is "UDieNow408", and A "Tree Fairy", he is gonna make a beta versoin next as a v2 and then a final as a v3. Which in the v2 && v3 final, im making it support my favorite gametype, Team snipers. x]
Yes, it will, the v2 of this will be so much more considering there will be not 1, but 2 whole floors on top added to this level it will be much better, along wit it able to play every gametype imagingable.
V2 is started, and will be out sometime late may or early june. =] check back and please keep giving me your thoughts, map has great potential, i just need your help.