Observation [/URL][/IMG] Observation is an asymetrical map. The installation was made by the forerunner before any of the halos, it was their first attempt at studying the flood. Red SideRed side is where the forerunner studied the flood, there is the observation deck complete with spartan laser [/URL][/IMG] and the observation floor.. [/URL][/IMG] Blue Side Blue Side is where the forerunner actually lived during there brief time there studying the flood.. it is disconnected from the rest of red side. They thought it would keep the flood from spreading... they were wrong. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] Weapons in map: BR X 4 assault rifle X 4 Mauler X 4 Plasma Pistol X 2 Brute Shot X 2 Needler X 1 Shotgun X 1 Rocket Launcher X 1 Spartan Laser X 1 Sniper Rifle X 1 Spike Grenades X 2 Frag Grenades X 4 Plasma Grenades X 4 It is only set up for capture the flag because i hit the item limit. Download Observation Here http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=78456778
im sorry, but u need to fix the screenshots. it says screenshot not found. if you need help with this, go to haloscreenshots.net and type in your gamertag. There you'll find all your pics and it will be easier to post them
great use of items, you are the kind of person that makes halo 3 awsome!!!! also the wepons are my style....