Sandbox Skywar

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Packnight501, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    --- Skywar ---
    By Packnight501

    Recommended: Assault, Capture the Flag, Territories, Team Slayer, VIP, Team King, Neutral Bomb
    Not Recommended: Slayer, Juggernaut, Oddball, Infection
    Players: 4 - 16

    While attempting to build a map revolving around combat between Banshees and Hornets, this map evolved. It consists of two identical opposing bases blue and red with a central platform between them. The bases both have a "back door" leading to an underground tunnel that connects the two bases. Each base has an anti-air gun (boxed-up Scorpion) two Banshees and two Hornets. The weapon loadout is very different than most maps proving for interesting gameplay. The map works great with large numbers of people and most team games.

    This map has been tested. If you find any problems please contact me.


    8x Sentinel Beams
    4x Plasma Pistols
    2x Fuel Rod Guns
    2x Machine Gun Turrets
    4x Sniper Rifles
    4x Plasma Grenades
    All available air vehicles + 2 scorpions


    What is the Center Platform for?
    The center platform is for games like neutral assault that needs a spawn point, it also helps with determining where the "line of death" is when your flying an aircraft.

    Isn't the tank a bit overkill?
    The tank has been tested, and it's alot harder to hit aircraft than it may look, believe me, also the walls around it prevent it from even firing at anything that isn't close to the base.

    Why Sentinel Beams?
    As for the Sentinel Beams, they're more just there for cool affect, they also do an exceptional job at air defense, providing you hit your target a good 90 % of the time. =P

    Where are the (Battle Rifles, Needlers, etc.)?
    Again, please keep in mind that this map was designed with unique gameplay in mind. It is NOT made for normal slayer or other single player variants. The weapon layout is intentionally different.

    Forge Tehniques used:
    [X] Save-Quit Object Placing
    [ ] Object Interlocking
    [ ] Map Interlocking


    General Overview

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Central Platform


    Flag and Escape Craft

    Anti-Air Gun


    Direct Hit!
    Please note that the tank is not as powerful as it looks! This has been tested!

    Sentinel Defenses

    Gun Turret

    Not so lucky...

    Back Door


    Tunnel Actual Location

    Extra Fuel Rod Cannons


    Map Variant: Skywar

    Please contact me if you find any faults in the map build or if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve the playability.
    #1 Packnight501, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  2. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Cool dude, I like it. I think this is the first completely aerial themed map I've seen, and I've always wanted to build one. The setup looks great, but I don't really understand the use of the center platform thing. And also could you just put a pic up thats taken from over the map so you can see where everything is?

    Oh and one more thing. It looks like the tank would just rape all of the vehicles that flew around it. Maybe change that to a wraith or something so it doesn't dominate as much.
    #2 lefty0904, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  3. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    i like the idea of the map but I am concerned about a few things. I feel that the armory is a little unfair for the air vehicels. With all the other stuff to kill it just seems like overkill to me, but maybe thats just me. Another part was can the scorpion shoot at the central platform? I had another question about the central platform, what is its purpose? besides though three coments I believe this map has potential. I espeicaly like the tunnel. 3/5
  4. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    Firstly nice idea, well executed. Ok i agree with the guy there^^^ about changing that scorpion to a wraith, so it doesn't dominate. Secondly I think the central platfrom should have some other purpose of sitting there, maybe expand it and add the two flags to it? And i think you should set it up for oddball, and have the oddball sitting on top of the structure.

    Also I don't think the sentinel beams would do much against vehicles, I'm not sure having never tried it. And maybe expand the main bases a little bit so its not so cramped, you could just get in the scorpion and fire at it for the whole game, racking up sprees.

    Thats it for me, ciao!
  5. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    The center platform is for games like nutral assault that needs a spawn point, it also helps with determining where the "line of death" is when your flying an aircaft.
    I think I will post a picture of the entire map soon. Good idea.
    And the tank has been tested, and it's alot harder to hit aircaft than it may look, believe me, also the walls around it prevent it from even firing at anything that is'nt close to the base.

    Thank you for the comment, I hope this answered your questions.
  6. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    For you and Ix Massacre xxI, please see above response.
    As for the Sentinal Beams, they're more just there for cool affect, and they do an exceptional job at defense providing you hit your target a good 90% of the time. =P
  7. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    Hmmmm... very cool, i made something like this but not as good lol
    i like the tank/ture thingy.. smart idea, aslo like the hall(w. the tubes)
    great job keep up the good work. does the Sentinel Beams work well w/ the
    banshee, hornets???(do they take em' out well)
  8. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    You should put some wepon in the middle that everyone would race to get. Maybe a Missle Pod. You could put a golf club and a custom power-up that makes you be able to jump high and hit the aircrafts out of the air.That would be fun in my mind.
  9. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    It looks very nice, but the Center Platform looks a bit shabby. Also, no one likes armories. ;) Overall, a very well-designed map: 4/5!
  10. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    I actually considered placing a power weapon such as a Spartan Laser or Missile Pod in the center but after testing concluded that it was better off empty. I don't know, if too many people complain about it, I might add something. ;)
  11. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    im glad you put that tunnel in there. this map wouldve been less fun without it. anyhow i do beleive that the tunnel is pretty cheap in some ways. think about it:
    get your whole team sept for 2 people (1 to man tank 1 to use sentenile) then just run through there with everyone having a sentenile or turret... yah no1s gona stop them.
    the middle is a nice "stop point" but you should have made the tank there so people are more apt to go there.
    one other point about the middle: if you dont put anything in there at least make it a "safe house" kind of thing so that people can land there and be safe inside....
  12. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    Did I mention that there are snipers at either end of the tunnel? And assuming that the players are smart enough to realize what the enemy is doing, wouldn't they just do the same with their own power weapons? This would also leave the attacking team very much open to aerial invasion.
    And like I've said before, the tank is not as powerful as it may seem, it has a very limited range of fire and is quite hard to hit aircraft at a distance or when the target is moving. Two Banshees/Hornets are all it really takes to eliminate the tank, and it respawns once a minuet.
    As for the center platform, I'm beginning to think I should add a spartan laser or missile pod, however at the time there was no "even" place to put it that wouldn't be right on top of the Assault bomb, and after running some tests I found that the playability was just as good without it. However I've received alot of complaints from good fellows like yourself and am beginning to re-think my options on this matter.
  13. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    i was thinking of making an aerial map, but this one looks great. the center thingamajig is a little pointless, and as a first impression without having played it yet, it looks a little too concentrated for people camping on their base rather than getting a banshee and fighiting in the air. looks realy fun though, and at the end of the day, thats what matters ;)
  14. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    An air based map was one of the first things I thought of to make on sandbox, never did though. Yours has alot of interesting ideas. I like the "Anti Air" tank. And the back door is kinda cool but it seems it would take away from the effect of the game.
  15. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    Testing: Update

    Just an update after some more custom game testing, we've concluded that this map works best with large teams and has no real need for a power weapon at the center platform, despite what some people think. I wanted to keep the combat focused in the skies rather than on the platforms. You'll definitely feel the need to land there during neutral assault I can assure you of that. This map was a lot of fun to test in large custom games but my promise still stands that if i get overwhelming demands for a central Spartan Laser/Missile Pod, I will add one.
  16. Pyromaster911

    Pyromaster911 Ancient
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    For some odd reason the map doesn't exist now. Says "Unable to locate specified Halo 3 file. The file may not exist, or the system may have encountered an error." You take it off file share?
  17. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    Sorry everyone! I think I just fixed this problem. Go ahead and try it again!
  18. silencer1008

    silencer1008 Ancient
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    This is one of the best aerial maps i've seen, very well thought out. However, I agree with some people that it potentially could be unfair, overall 4.5/5
  19. CostlyBus

    CostlyBus Ancient
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    Tested this with 5 others today was a blast but possibly expand the two main bases and provid 3 others for a territories game? Despite that very fun to play and the sentinal beams are very usefull 4/5
  20. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    Glad to hear it! Hopefully this will get picked up again in the forums.

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