LaZeR TaG ArEnA Created by xCr4zY StA1Rsx [br] Supported Gametypes: LaSeR TaG [br] Map Description Players start in a box protected by shield doors with spartan lasers and the power of instant kill. Many boxes block the direct site of the other spawn and make a great obstacle course for laser tag.Teleporters bring you to opposite sides of the map(great for confusing opponents), and a set of stairs on each side allows for access to the top of the maze. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] The battle field [br] Coming out of spawn [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Leave some feedback and I hope you enjoy [br] Download LaZeR TaG ArEnA Download LaSeR TaG [br]
TAG YOUR IT but i think this could use a little bit of cleaning up, and a nice game varient, like if you get his your out, and u watch the fight, last one in wins
just from the pics i can see ways to get out, try not to put double boxes up against the walls blocking off foundry unless it's a really high wall because people can easily grenade jump out. it is a simple map but it does exactly what you designed it to do which is good, and minigame maps don't have to be perfectly neat because there designed more around the experience than the actual map itself. i like the maps that have their own gametype because it makes the matches unique and memorable, if you fix up the ways out it will greatly improve the playability. thats just what i think.
good origional idea that would be very enjoyable but the map is letting it down slightly. could do with a bit more work. alos try to do it on other maps not just foundry.
I think that if you cleaned it up a little, make it more aesthetic, and maybe add some small cover such as deployable cover or some dumpsters, etc This map has a lot of potential! Nice idea
ok he gets the idea, he needs to make it neater, it doesn't like 5 people telling him i'm sure he'll get around to it at some point so please stop it, it's like spamming
if there is no nades then it's ok and i'm sorry for sayin that, and i doubt anyone will bother using a buddy jump to get out of the map
its cool and your right about the buddy jump but theres no point to the game if people walk around outside it. Im gonna try the interlocking and perfection when i make my first Real Competitive map
looks like good practice,seems as i am going laser taggin today for my bday party!and when i am at the laser tag place i will get out of the map,in real life!lol
good job coming up with a new fun game variant im probably going to start making maps just for the variant
This map has potential. I would make a version with a little less cover and have it like LaserTag V2. Good idea though.