L4D Courtyard 2 This is a second version, not a new map. Things that were changed: Hunters have Gravity Lifts instead of Radar Jammers. - The combination of Radar Jammers and Active Camo was becoming too overpowered as players got experienced. Smokers no longer have Deployable Covers. - Smokers never really successfully use these, and they help survivors too much if a survivor gets one. Tanks no longer have Gravity Lifts. - I decided Gravity Lifts weren't very Tank like. Tanks have to get onto buildings just like everyone else now! (Except for Hunters of course!) Common Infected have 200% gravity and 150% speed. - 200% speed seemed a bit too unrealistic, and I accidentally changed the Gravity to 50% during a last minute change. HUGE mistake on my part, sorry. It's all good now though. Spawn time is 10 seconds instead of 20 - I wanted a 20 second respawn, but it takes about 10 seconds to actually get into the map after you spawn. So it was really a 30 second spawn, but now it is a true 20 second respawn all added up. Zombies are released after 1 minute instead of after 2 minutes. 2 minutes was just too long for the Zombies to wait, survivors must be more efficient now. Tubes get blocked off after 30 seconds now, be quick! I also added some new pictures that represent the changes, and I updated the description where appropriate. Sorry for such a quick update, but I felt it was necessary. ‘L4D Courtyard 2’ is a remake of Survival Mode in Left 4 Dead on a brand new map. As a survivor you must last as long as possible, killing anything that threatens you. You must use everything you can find to your advantage. As a zombie, you must destroy the survivors at all costs. Whether you are a Smoker, Hunter, Boomer, or even a Tank, you can’t stop until you mission is complete. Both sides must work together to perform best. This map captures the suspense, action, and teamwork of Left 4 Dead. Story: Four survivors of the zombie outbreak in Sandy City have been running and killing zombies for days, and are getting worn out. They need some water badly, or they will die. They have found a courtyard with a dried up fountain. They need to start up the water in the fountain again, but it comes with a cost. The loud noise of the fountain will alert surrounding zombies, so once they activate it, they must fight to survive. This could be the end of the four survivors of Sandy City. The Players and The Map: Survivors start out on top of a building with Magnums. They have one minute to prepare for the zombie attack. They start out by choosing there starting weapon by going down tubes. One tube has a Shotgun (Auto Shotgun), one has a Sniper (Hunting Rifle), and the other has a Battle Rifle (Assault Rifle). Once they choose their preferred weapon, they can walk out of the tube and into the courtyard. After 30 seconds minute, the tubes will be blocked to prevent zombies from using human weapons, so be quick! Survivors have lots to do in there two minutes to prepare for the zombie attack. They can scavenge for various items including: Grenades (Pipe Bombs), Firebombs (Molotovs), Trip Mines (Gas Cans), Bubble Shields (Pain Pills), and an extra Magnum (extra Pistol). Items can be in hard to reach places, under pallets, or just in a corner. There is enough for every player to get one of everything, so be efficient! There are scattered fusion coils around the level that can be strategically positioned and a turret to use (Note: To use the turret, beat it down a few times. It was a bit overpowered with unlimited ammo, and you can’t use turrets when vehicles are disabled.). There are many places to hide: high, low, open, enclosed, and more. Once the blue light goes on (water in the fountain), prepare for survival. Survivors have normal speed, max gravity, and always a waypoint over their head. They have a very close range radar to simulate hearing zombies near you like in Left 4 Dead. They get unlimited ammo (because I never found ammo to be a problem in Left 4 Dead, and it would be a much bigger pain in Halo due to low ammo caps), no starting grenades, and have lots of health and a bit of damage resistance. They have 4x Overshields that never recharge to simulate health so they know when they are close to dying. The zombies start out on a box in the Skybubble with SMGs. They have normal speed, normal gravity, and no shields with no immunity to headshots (similar to Left 4 Dead). They have to wait two minutes for a bridge to appear, allowing them to access teleporters to enter the courtyard. They must jump into tubes to access their weapons and teleporters. Alpha zombies can choose to be one of four Special Infected zombies: Hunters: These zombies get Active Camo, a Gravity Lift, and an Energy Sword. They are all about stealth and attacking at the most unsuspecting times, just like in Left 4 Dead. Smokers: These zombies get a Carbine for long range strikes. Like in left 4 Dead, they have great range, and can dish out some solid damage. Boomers: These zombies get a Shotgun and a Flare. They are close combat fighters, but they can assist their fellow zombies by blocking the survivors view for a short period of time. This allows for their teammates and them to coordinate a surprise attack. Tanks: Every three minutes, there can be a Tank. The Tank gets a Custom Powerup, Gravity Hammer, and two Grenades (rocks). The Custom Powerup gives them 110% speed, 200% damage resistance, extra damage (kills survivors in three hits, similar to Left 4 Dead), and Overshields. The default gametype has the Tank with 4x Overshields, which is balanced for a 4 vs. 4 game. But, if there is less people the Overshields should be tweaked. 3 vs. 3 should be 3x Overshields, 2 vs. 2 should be 2x Overshields, and 1 vs. 1 should be regular shields (If you even play 1 vs. 1). The Tanks powerup only last 90 seconds, so running is a good tactic for the survivors, just like in Left 4 Dead. Tanks shields had to recharge in order for Overshields to work, but if a Tank chooses to take cover to recharge its shields, there should be more than enough time for the survivors to run away from the Tank since the powers only last 90 seconds. Letting your shields recharge would almost always be a disadvantage for the Tank, so it is not a big deal. Tanks need to get as close as possible as fast as possible. When a survivor dies, they become a Common Infected. The Common Infected get SMGs, have max gravity (so they can’t become special infected), and 150% speed so they are fast like in Left 4 Dead and so they have a chance at doing a bit of damage. They also can't pick up weapons. Description: Initial zombie count is at 50%, but is best played 4 vs. 4 (although other amounts work great as well). Survivors get one point for every kill, zombies get 5. Once they all die, everyone switches teams. Survivors have many cool places to hide. While a roof may have only one entrance for a survivor, it has multiple for a zombie. There is a breakable door in one building, and a knock-overable bridge which allows you to get some extra items on another. The zombies randomly enter the level through teleporters. There are four receiver nodes, each relatively close to each of the corners of the map. The receiver nodes are near immediate cover, and allow for multiple paths towards survivors. The spawn time is 20 seconds, not as long as Left 4 Dead, but long enough to make you think before you attack. Every piece of damage counts. The equipment spawns every 30 second so everyone can’t be a Smoker at once. There can be two Hunters at a time though. Like in Left 4 Dead, there is a lot of strategy to succeed in the gametype for both teams. Zombies must work together in unison; A Boomer flaring them, a Tank charging them, a Smoker shooting from afar, and a Hunter sneaking up from behind. The Tank will always be a priority, so other Special Infected must take that time to attack as well. Survivors have many options of defense. High ground is good for killing the Tank, but you can easily be sneaked up on by Hunters and shot from a long distance by Smokers. Corners are good against Smokers, Hunters, and Boomers, but suicide against Tanks. Weapon choice is essential; if everyone has Shotguns, how will they kill the Smokers? If everyone has Snipers, Tanks would be a problem. One survivor would get dominated by a Tank, but a team of survivors could easily take a Tank down. Survivors must find a balance of weapon choice and positioning to succeed. FAQs: What if survivors pick up zombie weapons? They could, but it wouldn’t be helpful. Shotguns, Battle Rifles, and Snipers are basically the best weapons on the map, so survivors wouldn’t benefit from using any other weapons. What if zombies pick up grenades or equipment that the survivors were supposed to find and use? That would be the survivors fault for not picking everything up. Anything they don’t’ collect can and will be used against them. Same goes for a Special Infected who dies with their equipment and the survivors pick it up. You should always use you equipment to prevent survivors form getting another advantage. It adds a hole new strategic element to the amp. Aren’t assassinations unfair? Yes and no. Assassinations will keep you on your toes, plus you get a (small) radar to prevent them. But both teams can get assassinated, Tanks and Survivors being the big ones. One Tank is basically equal to 1 survivor, so it is balanced. What if survivors spawn kill the zombies? First off the teleporters are random. The only way to successfully spawn kill would be to have a person at each teleporter, which would work OK for Smokers and Boomers, but not for Hunters. But the main reason spawn killing would never work is when the Tank comes. Each survivor would get picked off one by one by the Tank since they would be spread out, so spawn killing would be dumb idea. Also, one teleporter is up on a building, higher than any survivor could get. In testing though, spawn killing was rarely a problem because there is cover near each receiver and the teleporting is random. Video walkthrough HERE: (Thank you chung_wii, you’re the best! A few minor changes have been made since then. The Tank isn't unstoppable though. ) This is from Version one of this map! But the map itself is basically the same, so the video still works. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-_NY-17QwY[/media] Pics: Overview. Another overview. The survivors’ spawn. Choose your starting weapon by going down one of the tubes. The survivors spawn building after one minute. Building 1 with the turret. Building 2 with the knock-overable bridge falling down. Building 2 with the bridge fully knocked down. Building 3 with a heap of explosives in the middle. Building 4 with a surprise on top! Building 5 with a small room and a few items. Building 6, the largest building with a big interior and a destroyable secret entrance! Building 7 with a high zombie spawn on top. The zombies waiting for the bridge to spawn to start their attack. The horde has been alearted! A Smoker. A Hunter. A Boomer. A Tank, uh oh. Interior of a building. Interior of another building, a tester favorite. Final Notes: Well that’s all folks! I hope you enjoy this Left 4 Dead remake on an original map! I know the Forging and aesthetics aren’t perfect. I could have interlocked there, made that smoother, etc, but I think the map looks good enough to give an overall Left 4 Dead atmosphere. Gameplay was always a primary focus when designing the map and that is what it excels at. Let me know what you guys think about it and what I can improve on if I make another version, thanks! Downloads: Map: L4D Courtyard 2 Gametype: Survival 2
I didn't know you made a new one. Well it's not really new, you just changed equipment. I think it probably plays the same too. Good job 5/5 again. lol
I never saw the 1st one, but it must be pretty good. I like how you brought the whole left 4 dead theme out by being able to do things such as knocking the bridge over. The only problem with halo 3 is the fact that we can't have more people because it would be fun to fight off more people like in L4D. I like how you made the zombies, I thought the boomer was creative. To me though this reminds me more of the hospital rooftop crescendo. Good job anyways.
Looks much better. I think the change was for the best, and will help this overall. The first map was fun, this seems much fairer though. Glad to see the change. 2 things though: Shouldn't the boomers have maulers to represent they are zombies, not survivors, and this still helps with close combat. I think the beam rifle is better for smokers because it can't shoot as much, like a real smoker, and forces them to aim better, plus they have more of that "tongue feel"
I definitely get what you mean by Boomers, and in my very first version I had Maulers. When the Boomers died, people would dual wield with a Mauler and a Magnum which was a nasty combo on this map. So I had to change it. For the Smokers, the Beam Rifle definitely gives more a a tongue feel, but they do too much damage on survivors to make Smokers balanced. As is, I feel the Smoker is the best special infected, not counting the Tank, and a Beam Rifle would make him even better! I was thinking Sentinel Beams, but I just hate those things lol. Hope you guys enjoy the improvements!
Nice video walk through i know exactly how the map is set up now. it is so cool and grate idea for the spawning system. and nice use of the tank, i do think this is the best left4dead map.
Alright, I see what u mean by the boomers. So yah. And the smokers would be a little overpowering. Sorry, I was thinking a bit about my version. I turned headshots off for humans, so zombies can't get a headshot immediately. But the carbine works fine too. I personally just like the beam rifle, but it isn't that big a deal. Just something to think about, for me as well
Very nice all of the changes seem to be for the better. And a quick question, can anyone actually use the warthogs? or are they just for show? To me they seem a bit organized... Overall great map 5/5
They are just for show. I tried to make them look naturally crashed and stuff with some vehicles crashed into walls and other flipped over. The only thing I had to compromise for was the turret. If vehicles can't be used, turrets can't be used. But you can beat down the turret to use it. I think it is more balanced that way too because unlimited turret would be a bit unfair. Hope you guys play some fun games on the map!
Hey man, I played a game with a couple of friends, and well, the gameplay just didn't feel right... The special infected just seem like more of a normal infected. The tank didn't even feel that challenging. The map it self is nice, but other then that. 3.8/5, only because of Gameplay.
I really appreciate the feedback from someone who ACTUALLY played the map! Why do you say the special infected feel like common infected? I think the Tank is challenging, maybe I just suck...