I played on this today and I finally decided that the weapons on the map ARE balanced but some people I played wit camped in the shotgun tunnel but then got killed by the nades I spammed at them.. I do think the gameplay on this map is very nice,.. except when i couldn't jump to certain places because of low ceiling. I now think that this deserves a full 5/5 5 for looks 5 for gameplay
This is a very nice map I really enjoyed playing on it, it was good for any game types, picture was a little small, but this is still great...good job. 4/5 -Zanitor
congratulations rickybobby. hey, i've got another mqp for the ISM map pack, whenever i get my account renewed i'll show it to you, or just go on my fileshare at bungie.net and dwnld it. it's called Invincible
pretty cool, i like the way you built some of the cover pieces like the control room. one thing i would say though is that wouldn't you normally have your thumb on the melee button unless you were using the boxer control layout...
Hmmmmmmm I seem to be the only one that reconizes this post before. Either you just posted it again or Stole it!!!!!!!!! But I am not positive and am not framing you in any way, just I have had this on my harddrive for months maybe a year so.......... Still a great map, hmmmmmmmmmm