Here is my zombie map Link: Custom game type Zombie speed 150 and their gravity is 75, Zombie has no shield but 200 Damage Resistance so head shot count, they also have instant kill Human are normal The humans starts here Next you want to go the the Armory There are 5 spot where you can stop the zombie for killing you Base 1 Hold your ground for 2 min and you will be glad you did Now that you stop the zombies from coming in stop them from getting in Base 2 Hold your ground for 2 min and you will be glad you did Now that you stop the zombies from coming in stop them from getting in Base 3 the middle of the map Base 4 the top of the map not much room but good enough to stop zombie from killing you The spawn base can also be use to hold your ground there is good enough cover there too. Least for 10 min and you will be victorious
Oh wow! Another one sided totally unfair for the Zombies and the humans have a huge weopan stash infection map! What a suprise!
Its not unfair because you can just stay in the weapon room, but because humans have an insane amount of weaponry at their disposal and it makes it incredibly hard for zombies to even reach the humans let alone kill them.