Been working on it for a while, tell me what you think. i think its my longest time taken best one yet. Turok sig. CnC?....
Very nice sig, the colors and detail are great. The only thing I would change is the font, it really doesn't help the flow of the sig. I would choose a more formal and modern font. Overall it looks great.
It is impossible that your skill has improved this much over the course of about a week. Don't rip sigs.
Exactly. That would explain why the text looks so out of place. He probably ripped the sig with no text and added his name.
I don't want to sound repetitive, but at this rate, your going to get yourself into some trouble with the GNA. Don't. ****ing. rip.
It's also pretty funny how this guy only responds to the positive comments and simply ignores the fact that he rips all of "his" work. How about you post some action shots next time? I'd like to see that. Especially the rendering part.
K problem solved. I found this on some guys deviant ART. Judjing by your other sigs...Ya you're screwed. Spoiler Dinosaur Sig by ~baikolio on deviantART BTW: Just stop ripping. Try being original and experiment you'll get better that way. Or else you're basically asking us to CNC your erasing abilities and your choice of text.