D r u g House

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ggrozny, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. ggrozny

    ggrozny Ancient
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    D R U G House
    Created by ggrozny
    Supported Gametypes:
    Breach: 8-10 people recommended. A slayer gametype with BR+Shotguns, Everyone forced black, and multiple rounds of 1 life per a round, switching sides after each round.
    Warning: This is not normal halo swat ! (Anytime I say swat I mean like a swat team. I did change the gametype name to breach, but I still say swat alot.)
    Map Description
    This map is a v2 of a previous one I did. The 1st version was fun but very sloppy as you can see HERE (take a look to notice the improvement).

    This map consists of two teams, The swat team, and the drug dealers. The dealers spawn in the bottom floor of a three story house, and the swat team spawns outside the houses fence, in the back of their swat truck.

    How to play:
    I'll start with the dealers: The dealers need to stay inside the house and take stand, kill anything that comes in. On the middle floor are some fusion coils, to represent the lab, stay clear you don't want to blow up. In the middle of one fusion coil set you can find a trip mine to set up. Heading up to the rooftop you will find 4 flame grenades that will not respawn so use them wisely.

    Now the swat team: The swat team has multiple options on where and how to breach the house.
    1) They can go under the fence in the tunnel where they will find a gravity lift, this can be used to get to the 2nd floor or the rooftop.

    2) Crawl under the house and break your way through a hole in the floor entering the 1st floor.

    3) Of course front and back door.

    4) Go through the back halls, where a sniper rifle is located, and setting up on the sniper building to shoot those on the rooftop.

    5) on the far left wall is 2 spike grenades (never respawn) and a flare to throw under the house or through a window.

    General: This is set up so that you only get one life, so use it wisely. After each round you will trade sides, so everyone gets equal chances at dealers, and at swat throughout the game. The radar is set to very small, so crouching around the house is highly recommended. Teamwork will dominate this map 100%, but careful when talking, you can hear the other team planning stuff out if you are too close.
    Sorry there are so many screenshots, I wanted everyone to get familiar with the way around before you try it.
    This is the house.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367861-Full.jpg[/img]
    Swat truck where swat team spawns.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367169-Full.jpg[/img]
    Inside the truck, and the tunnel to the right.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367206-Full.jpg[/img]
    Entering the tunnel.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367259-Full.jpg[/img]
    After you grab the gravity lift in the tunnel, use the crate as an elevator to the roof.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367433-Full.jpg[/img]
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367453-Full.jpg[/img]
    Or use the lift to get to the 2nd floor.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27368114-Full.jpg[/img]
    Crawling under the house.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367584-Full.jpg[/img]
    Jumping through the hole.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367581-Full.jpg[/img]
    notice the rooms split up with the front and back doors, and the stairs leading to the 2nd floor.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367631-Full.jpg[/img]
    Up the stairs to the 2nd floor, notice the stairs to the roof and the fusion coils.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367684-Full.jpg[/img]
    Trip mine surrounded by fusion coils.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367778-Full.jpg[/img]
    Spike grenades + flare.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367897-Full.jpg[/img]
    Sniper tower, the rifle is in the middle of the back hall.
    [img width=800 height=450]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii192/ggrozny/27367918-Full.jpg[/img]
    Thank you to TooTallSIGP226, for helping with the map. Thank you to everyone who has helped test this one out, even on sloppy v1.
    Download "D R U G House" HERE
    Download "Breach" HERE
  2. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    The gametype sounds very good and some parts of the map are creative and origional. I just have some negative points and that its the tunnel under the fence doesnt look long enoungh to me but never mind. Also the truck. Did you think about putting barrels under the back end to it look like it has four wheels instead of a burnt out husk? Finnally some areas of the map are a little scruffy and could use a little neatening. Still those are only three things and i like much more of it than i dislike so keep making maps id love to see more.
  3. ggrozny

    ggrozny Ancient
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    I like the idea of laying down some barrels to look like extra wheels, I'll have to try it out thank you.

    I agree I would have liked the tunnel to be longer, but I ran out of materials for it. It was longer on my previous version, but alot more went into the house this time.

    I know the fence could be straighter, but it is a drug house. I know crappy houses around here don't have nice fences, :D but I agree it could use some touching up.

    Try it out though try to have at least 4v4.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    The only reason this map recieves an "epic fail" is because I like it a lot, I just won't download until all of the walls and other things are perfected to a nice creamy straightness.
  5. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I like how there are a lot of entrances. That always makes a map more balanced!

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