hell yeah being alone all that time can do strange things to a mans mind..maybe not cortana but still the chiefs gon need some help.lol
Scroll down to training pl0x Spartans were trained physically and mentally. Plus, he's in a cryo tube, sleeping. He will wake up when someone answers his distress call.
I'd say if MC hasn't needed it yet, he's not likely to. As for Cortana. Well she's always been a little loopy, no?
Just so you know, among AI there is a condition called 'Rampancy,' it occurs after a certain period of time when smart AI have so much knowledge that they go crazy. They go through stages of depression, paranoia etc. 343 Guilty Spark went Rampant at the end of Halo 3 and Cortana almost went Rampant at the end of the mission Cortana. Also, the long sleep in cyrotube wouldn't have an effect on the MC as when people travel through Slipspace, it is not instant, but they go through time aggregation, where it seems instant to them, but it is really months or years in real-time. And, if Bungie were to release a novel or game regarding MC and Cortana, they wouldn't want them to be stuck in therapy for ages, would they? No that doesn't sell well: Halo 4-Stuck in Therapy! =Fail No, Bungie would twist events so that the MC and Cortana go straight into standard butt-kicking mode.
I know, I've read the book recently(w1nn4r) and usually they would be "terminated of operations" if in this stage. And I believe that it's when an AI develops delusions of godlike power or something, I don't really know, I really didn't pay attention to the little details of the book, although it was surprisingly really good.
i already knew the first part, as for H4-SIT (rofl sit) i never thought about that, bungie said no so... but it would be funny, fight your way out of therapy! yay!