I like it, and I had to take some time to think the text through, in your replies please talk about that... it's the first time i've ever taken a "risk" with text.
i c y ur name is god... that looks really good. the border is to wide in my opinion but the flow if fantastic. the text is fine btw. could u make a tut. on how u did the pink stuff? it would be nice btw 4.9/5
I don't really make tuts, but what i did was smudge the stock a little with some chalk brushes, then overlayed c4ds for some color, then used a few filters and colored over them with a 25 px soft brush on screen for best color, I just found out this technique making this sig but i like it a lot.
This is actually pretty amazing. It has great flow and the colors are perfect. And I think that the text is great for the sig, maybe just move "Shock" over to the left a little so you can see it better. Good Job tho
Haha, I've seen twice as good. He's decent, I'll give him that. Anyhow, yay, nice flow, but it needs more depth.
How could you say 4.9/5 without the extra .1 you should just give it to him and anyways nice sig i like the colors and flow or whatever it is well nice job keep making good sigs. 4/5