Here is CTFNest, a great vehicle CTF map made on Rat's Nest. Took about 1 and a half hours to make. Includes the following: *Scorpion that doesn't respawn *2 Secret Weapons *Symmetrical Weapons *6 Warthogs (2 Normal 1 Gauss --Each base) *6 Mongooses (2 Each base 2 by Scorpion) *2 Rocket Launchers *1 Ghost *2 Gravity Hammers *Plenty of Equipment **NOTE** The Scorpion only spawns once, so make it last. This was done to prevent overpowering another team. Meant for 12-16 players as this is a big map. For use with CTF Nest Capture the Flag Variant. We used spike grenades instead of plasma nades to keep the feeling of the Crow's Nest mission. The middle of the map is blocked off, and if you spawn there, a missle pod is there to kill yourself with to get out. This is the first version of the map, so there may be flaws. Let us know and we'll fix it. Map- Pictures- Made by: Tr1xSh0t wakkawakka87
itd b better if u embed them idk if u have too but... here ya go This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
There is no interlocking on this map for two reasons: one, there wasn't enough scenery on the map for it to be worth the time; and two, we didn't know how at the time, and we're still not exactly masons. Besides, this map is geared more towards the customs player who just wants to have a fun match (and ironically, who always seems to be offline when we want to test -_-) rather than towards those who want a good-looking aesthetic map. If we get enough positive feedback and constructive criticism on this map, we may post more out of our bottomless bag of CTF maps. This was our first to post because we feel it has the most potential. Also, we placed the "secret weapons" before we made the gametype, and I believe said gametype makes it impossible to retrieve these weapons. Not a big deal, since they're my least favorite weapons. *hint hint*
Why do people come here and think their maps are good enough for Forge Hub? I mean half of the people who post maps, it is usually their first post. From the pictures it looks like it was a bit simple to make.
Well, not everyone makes a masterpiece the first time... That's why we posted it here. We posted it on Bungie, too, but we didn't get any replies. I'd heard that ForgeHub people give more helpful advice, and we want to get better at Forge, so I told g859 to register and post our map here. Besides, as I said before, it's not an aesthetic map, and if it were, we probably wouldn't use Rat's Nest. However, Rat's Nest is one of our favorite maps (my personal favorite) because of the vehicular warfare. I wanted to block off the center to emphasize this kind of fighting, thought CTF would work well, and CTF Nest was born. Besides, you had a first post, too. Don't pick on the new kids.
i can't realy see any action shots which is kind of better for CTF and i can't even see where the flags spawn? it's an alright attemp for a CTF map but i just can't see that many changes looks like you added vehicles and then a ramp.
Well, we have no action shots because nobody will play on it with us. >.< We'll probably get some pretty soon though. The flags spawn just inside where the vehicles are at the bases. Sorry about that oversight. We didn't have much scenery, it's mainly a vehicle battle map, as I have said many times. There are some barriers to make driving more difficult, and you can see in the ramp screenie that we added some open double boxes to drive through. Mostly, we completely overhauled the weapon and equipment placement to make it more conducive to vehicular CTF matches. The gametype also includes some gameplay tweaks, such as lower gravity to raise splatters and increase the need to be in a vehicle. There's more than meets the eye here.
As I have noticed, you still have not read this topic which provides all the knowledge you need to know before posting. Please add pictures because a moderator will lock your topic if you don't. And yes I can see the pics Wakka provided but you still need to know how to embed your own images.