Version 1: Version 2: Yeah, I know the movie looks like total trash, but Snake Eyes still looks cool, and being a child of the 80's, G.I. Joe still holds a place in my heart. As for the piece, I was mostly experimenting with some new (to me, at least) smudging techniques. Mixed in a few quick vectors, and a couple of effects. I'm not happy with the text, but I recently lost all of my fonts in a hard drive failure, so I was having trouble finding just the right one. Anyways, I'm always open to critique. Thanks in advance.
its "a lot" mg: lol. anyways i really like your text, i think it looks great. the only think i dont like is that size. its unusual for a signature around these parts... also it could use a border to clean it up
Thanks guys. The reason for the odd size is that I had a little too much dead space on the right of the text. So, instead of cluttering it up unnecessarily, I just cropped it down to an unusual size. As for a border, I've never really used them much myself, but I can see where it might look good on this piece. I may throw a version 2 up with a different aspect ratio and a border for good measure. (C:
well if thats the case forget the size. the border however could be a good choice. i noticed ur new here, i am too. did u say u were in your 30's?
Not quite 30. I have 13 more months before Last Day ("Logan's Run" reference for all you classic sci-fi fans out there...)