Sandbox Inclined

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by D4RK 3NCRYPT3R, May 15, 2009.


    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
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    Inclined is a CTF map ment for 2v2 and 3v3. If you are not good at jumping in halo you shouldn't be the one to grab the flag. This is because The whole concept of the map is to jump down, grab the flag, and climb back up.

    The game type is a one flag variant that gives you brs. The flag bearer is at the standard flag speed but has extra damage resistance and his sheilds charge faster. There are 4 rounds, 5 minutes each.

    For weapons there is a sniper and two carbines for each base. Each base also has about 3 frags and 3 spike/stickys. Every 2 minutes, the attackers get a flare but it isn't there at the start. If the defenders last 2 minutes and 50 seconds, their base gets bigger, offering more manuverability and they recive a one time missle pod. If you are a clever attacker, you can use the bigger base to your advantage.

    now for the pics.

    an overveiw

    a side view

    red base

    blue base

    blue base half way through round

    looking down

    chain reaction

    teamwork is essential to be good

    almost there

    And now here is a step by step guide on how to climb the wall

    step one

    step two

    step three

    step four

    step five

    step six

    step seven

    and step eight

    map link: : Halo 3 File Details

    game link: : Halo 3 File Details

    I hope you like the map. I plan to make a version 2 and any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Please Comment and Rate
  2. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Hey Dark, that was an awesome game. Thx for mentioning me (not). Jk. This is an awsome map I personaly love it because of the way it plays. The idea was awesome and it was well forged too. I love the climb because as it is a little easy it is hard with peaple shooting you. Anyways I dont think a V2 is needed. You did it right the first time. Great Job, This is definatly worth a download. Its loads of fun and superduperawsomerific.

    10/10 I LOVE IT
  3. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like an awesome gametype! I love the concept of having to retrieve the flag and then make the journey up the side of the map. It seems like it could be too easy for the attacking team to wipe out the other team, and then camp them, which could be a major flaw, but I haven't played this, so I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'll try to test it tonight with some friends, but they usually aren't very keen on flag gametypes, so I don't know if I will be able to. It looks like gameplay could go either way with this map.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    Wicked awsome map dude. I kinda wanted to make a ap like this myself but never really had the time. Ur looks amazing and probably better then mine would have been. How is the gameplay though. Is there enough cover on the bottome level. ahh well, im really interested in thrying this out. NICE work. U got my download
  5. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    The gameplay (for those asking) is great. The attacking team can jump down and camp but they can easily be wiped out because the opposing team spawns all around the bottom. The climb is a little difficult but if your teamates are backing you up you make it. If you are on the defenders team and the flag carrier is close to the top I recomend one person to snipe the flag carrier and the other(s) to retrieve it. I love this map, it is tons of fun and you guys will enjoy it.
  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Dont get me wrong, it's a great idea. But I think the red team will be campers when it comes to defending they're flag? I know others are concerned about it to. If you were to make a V2 i'd make it slightly less slanted if possible? Not sure really, just throwing out ideas for you, hopefully it'll spark something. : )

    Other then my small little non-sense paragraph, great idea again on the map.
  7. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Its one flag and the red team is on the attack. Its like the blue team has to stop the red team from climbing the wall.
  8. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    THIS IS WHY YOU READ THE POSTS PEOPLE. God it really pisses me off when people do this. THE POST IS THERE FOR A REASON. I mean come on, really.
  9. Nutekiller

    Nutekiller Ancient
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    This map was confusing at first but after a while i kind of got the hang of it.. lol i liked assault better, but you own all the rights =D
  10. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    At first this looked a tad wierd and didnt make sense. But when i took a good look at it, it actually seems quite fun. It very unique and i think its quite cool that you made a whole map based on an entire wall.
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Seems like more of a casual/minigame map than a competitive map is my first impression. It's a good idea, not necessarily an original one though as I've seen it a few times before, no offense meant. I really think you should have made this on a much larger scale. If you had made it a few times larger I think you'd have a popular sandbox minigame going on.

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