Photoshop CS3 I was mainly just trying out new things such brushes, layers, and smudging. Anything I could improve on would be greatly appreciated.
Interesting work, I like it for the most part, the things I would get rid of is the red dot on the bridge, and make the light source a little brighter.
Text could use a little more work, try not to make it too flashy that might throw it off, also try to place multiple text close to each other rather than opposite sides. The effects seem to be blurred, also try blending the render a little.
Well, I like the bg texture and the render is great, really the whole thing is great, cept that is looks a little low quality. And that the second arrow on the left disrupts the flow. And the text distracts from the focal some
YouTube - Elton John can you feel the love tonight Spoiler Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just, I couldn't resist. I've been wanting to use that for a long time now. Hmm, since I don't want to look like a spammer., just no...... Well, well, well fraggy made a good sig, jk, jk. Anyway, jokes aside, the left side has some contradictory flow, the dark line in the bg and the c4ds flow clash. I love the right side though. The text is a litte off but its just about as good as I could do.
This is the full-size version, which I like better. Spoiler Photoshop 7.0 (not Elements 7.0, but actual Photoshop 7.0 from 2001...)
Well, its awfully large and the bg is well, I don't know how to explain it but it just seems odd to me. However I love the effects you got going on around her. But the edge of the effect coming off to the right looks weird compared to the rest. Also, try some gradient maps, it would improve the colors.
Well, I used this stock, but it wasn't quite big enough, so I wrapped the edges around (copied the left side and pasted it to extend the right side, and vice versa) because I wasn't really sure what else to use to extend the BG. Any ideas? I noticed this weird area to the right side of her hair, which I fixed just now, is that what you meant looked weird? I will work on it some more and add gradient maps. I was kind of going for a splash-effect around her, so I will probably use some light blues and purples to keep it water-like. Thanks for the CnC, it was very helpful!