I have an idea for a new grifball map where all that is changed is that the wall that blocks you from escaping would be made smoothe using interlocking and fusing objects with the map geometry. Anyone up for the challenge? I would do it but i lack the skil because i can only fuse stuff into the floor flat not into walls or at angles. If you get it done just poat the map's link and if you want even pics
i already have 1 exactly like that... and if you wanna friend me ill give it to you to set up grifball and post it brom us. temperary gt: XXXsupa (its a joke btw) lol. real gt: BIAZE814 (ran out of xbox live but getting it back soon)
i already have 1 exactly like that... and if you wanna friend me ill give it to you to set up grifball and post it brom us. temperary gt: XXXSupaGay (its a joke btw) lol. real gt: BIAZE814 (ran out of xbox live but getting it back soon)
Im thinkin of a grifball map with gauss wartgos and rocketlaunchers and sentinal beams with stickies and 3000% damage resistance with 4x oversheilds... lemme no wat you think. also, try not to double post
I'm working on an arena that you are in with two levels.If you want to help just send me a request (winRdie)
i also have done my own version of griff ball, its griffball 3000. i have the ball on a second level, grav lifts to get it, and a third level with a custom powerup( with man cannons to get to it) i also used fence walls to block it off with a few teaser on the other side.
hey try not to double post i know i did and got into some trouble by the members (it was by accident not on purpose if any of you say it was)
im thinking of hiding a teleporter and that is the only way to the ball because itll be behind the wall in a fence box :squirrel_rubberduck:
i have made an arena that is round and you start in a dressing room. then teleport in. the ball is in the middle and you have to plant in the other teams dressing room. if you die you get a surprise. need testers send me an fr to help out
That sounds like a good idea, as i believe it is possible to get out of the current one, plus it would improve the total look. I also like the ides of stickys, bur maby just one per team with 10 second respawn? It would get insane with eight people with two stickys each.