Ancestral An ancient Forerunner temple mysteriously looms over the sandy dunes below. Ancestral was made for fast paced battles that took a decent amount of strategy and thought. It basically has three layers that help give depth to the map. It supports slayer, assault, KOTH, and CTF. I'm not sure how long it took me to make but, that doesn't really matter anyways. It is symmetrical. I have not fully tested this map yet and would love some feedback if anyone does... I should have it tested by the end of the weekend, hopefully. I'm not sure yet of how many people this map can carry but I believe its somewhere between 4v4 to 6v6 and probably some FFA. Map: : Halo 3 File Details Overview Pit/Shotgun Purple/Snipe Red Base Blue Base Purple Side Purple Back Front
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Ok well I've fixed up my thread so everything should comply with the rules. If anyone tests this map themselves I'd appreciate some feedback, thanks.