notice: pics are of the non MLG version Sniper x 2 BR x 6 Carbine x 4 Plasma Grenade x 6 Frag Grenade x 8 Mauler x 1
you need at least 1 embedded picture. To embed a picture, Go to, type in your GT, Wait for it to load your screenshots, click on whichever picture you want in your post, copy the bb code for that picture, And paste it in your post.
yea, embed at least one picture, and honestly, say something about your map, come on, no one is goin to take a map seriously that says nothing on it.
there the pics are of the non MLG one its prety fun every body that has play it has liked it i might have to change the spond ponts a round tho
It looks ok, and the design is descent. But I dont really see this map as an MLG map, but if you make a version 2, i would take out that spartan laser on the map and i dont know about the sword... I really dont know... More information on the map would really help so that i could tell you more things...
no offense but this is the first time i've ever seen a post not op to standards because of a lack of description in thetwo years i've been here both with and without my profile. the pictures do look decent but beside knowing it's an mlg map i have no idea where you're going with this, seriously...
the design is not MLG at all. You have too many power weapons. You have movable cover, anchor it down. No Shield doors.Try again, or move it to the competitive section.
none of thoes wepons are not in the game its just battle rifles, carbine, a mauler i have two versions of this map ones mlg and the other one is not thies pics are of the non mlg one if you want i cant take the pics of MLG one and i can take two of the shiled doors out the one in the tower has to stay