I was just watching the recent Sarkathalon 3 winners on X-Play, and I was surprised to see a familiar name, ForgeHub's Tylyr1 taking first place. I've always known he was good at jump maps and puzzles, but I can't imagine the perserverence required to getting a perfect run on this map. So much creativity was used to find all possible ways to cut corners and get the perfect time. Great work tylyr1, and nice maps too, I didn't expect you to win, but I'm not surprised you did so well. I just thought I'd show everyone the great work of our members, and congrats on recon, and the 360 game of the year bundle! Here is the link to the video of X-Play, and to learn more about what this challenge was see here
Haha I like the way you took that. However, it did say that the winner got two sets of Recon......... ? I kid, I kid. But nice job, just know that you are going to get TONS of friend requests by now, but you know that
Sorry did I miss the also part there? They said he got Recon and a 360, you said no, Bungie offered up Recon.. which was already stated...