I need to do a survey for a class project. I hope to get a lot of people voting. There is NO Re-Casting votes and you can only select ONE option. Edit: The ones I supplied are from a top 10 list of the best video games of all time,(From IGN) not because of graphics, but because of gameplay and the strides they made in theirs fields, like metroids graphics, which were superb at the time. So I wanted to know, out of the ones listed, which one people thought was the best.
this isnt much of a debate...and if you think that our debating is going to help you with your assignment, i wish you wouldve added halo 3/halo1 and cod4.cuz more people would vote if it was new stuff.
Golden eye ftw it was one of the best multilayer games and one of the first of its kind i do believe, well other than doom.
Spoiler Halo: CE Halo 2 Halo 3 Psychonauts Day of the Tentacle Zelda Ocarina of Time Star Wars Podracing Super Mario Kart Bioshock Fallout 3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Half Life 2 Half life 2: Episode 1 Half life 2: Episode 2 Braid Portal Super Smah Brothers World Of Warcraft Golden Sun Pokemon Red Pokemon Ruby Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Leaf Green Pokemon Fire Red Knights of the Old Republic Worms World Party Zelda: Oracle Of Ages Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Metroid Fusion Super Mario World Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Advance Wars Mega Man Battle Network Mega Man Battle Network 2 Mega Man Battle Network 3 Mega Man Battle Network 4 Mega Man Battle Network 5 Your list and my list only have one game in common. And how does Mario/ Pacman/ Pong/ Tetris not make the cut.
This is not a debate. A debate is an intelligent discussion about controversial, religious, or otherwise philosophical arguments. This has none of those qualities.
Goldeneye was one of the first shooters I played and it really hit home as a game that I will never forget. My friend found his old game in his basement aand we played it brought back a lot of memories.
I like the concept, but what would probably be a problem is that people won't sit there and think about what was a good game, they'll remember which of these games was awsome fun when they were a kid, and what brings back the best memories (well I know I did at least). But have to say Zelda was an AWSOME game.
Definately Ocarina of time, the best game ever IMO It got me hooked on the entire legend of zelda series beat all of em!
Im a first person shooter fan so of course i will pick "golden eye" its a timeless game. And i think your all time list should have some more recent games it seems like yours is more of a classic games list but missing some of the key games.