Sandbox Hail to The King

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Crymzen, May 13, 2009.

  1. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    Hail To The King

    Hey guys crymzen here. i was talking to a friend of mine and he sugested i join here and put my map up.i wasnt gonna go for it but thought what the hell and after a few tweaks here it is..its a WIP(work in progress) but its 95% finished the other 5% is what i need you guys for.

    Map Info:
    okay so as you can guess from the title its a map that concentrates on King of the hill but it can be used for all MLG gametypes.its a ballanced map with everything being symetricaly placed from the layout right down to the plasmas.there are 2 bases oposite eachother being red and blue there is also pink/camo and dark corner/custom they all surround the middle segment of the below.






    Weapons etc...
    so this map meets all the standards of what you would expect in MLG from types to respawn times although im not sure if the quantitys of the weapons are acceptal..i mean 12 BR's is below.

    12X BR
    4X Carbine
    2X Sniper Rifle
    2X Mauler
    4X Plasma grenades
    1X Custom Power up
    1X Active Camo

    Download Link
    Hail To the King Dowload

    If any of you do download this i would apreciate any feedback good or bad no matter how harsh it may be..after all where would we be if people just came out and said everything was kool n amazing when it actualy

    please keep in mind tho this is a work in progress..if possible i would like your advice on the spawns,weapon placement and stuff like that..i am well aware of some of the walls being slightley on a slant and slightley raised.all that will be cleand up and neatend once i have everything else figured out.

    thanks for reading guys i hope you enjoy this map if you decide to download it and remember dont hold back with your opinions.
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Yea twelve brs is a lot. You don't really need that many because how many times do you find your self with no ammo? only every once in a while and even then, having like 4-5 on the map is plenty. The mpa it self looks pretty good but my only problem is that the side/corner bases LOOK a little empty. That doesn't mean they are. thatjust means it seems like if from the pictures. Good work on the map overall though. Keep forging.

    EDIt: Also i noticed just now that you said a work in progress. Don't put unfinished maps up here. I mean this one looks fine and you could just finish it up and make it a v2 but this forum is for complleted maps. Otherwise you should post in the forgedisscucion forums.
    #2 Rho Fs, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  3. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the feedback..yeah i didnt think it was a good idea to post a unfinished map here..just thought maybe you guys could give me advice n maybe test it n my friends always talk about testing it but then we end up doing somthing else and completley forget about it
  4. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks good and so is the merging. Although i wouldnt make a pink corner if the other has nothing. Just leave it red and blue. Well anyways... Its good... But iwould like to know the weapon layout and what weapons you have...
  5. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Took a look after DL.

    Took a look at the map after I DL it and it has a few problems. It was not as smooth as I thought it should be. If you could work on that and maybe make a jump on the base to go to the top level, other wise you have to go all the way to the bottom of the ramp to get up there.
  6. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
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    i did actualy make a sure it was on this one..its directly at the from of it you have to crouch jump onto it then jump again..kinda like u do with the doors on foundry there should be plasmas right in front of it..

    im making a v2 of this map and working out the kinks to try n get it to run alot smoother
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it. But there are still some ups and downs.

    - Horrible title is horrible.

    - Put some interlocked walls halfway showing on the ramps leading to each base.

    - The dark corner looks very unattractive and ruins the map a little bit.

    - Remove those two things in the middle of the structure but keep the
    stone platform.

    - More ways to get to the base. Maybe put a small block on the side of the ramps so that when the player is in the middle of the base, he can just jump on it and go to the ramp right away.

    - Decrease the amount of BRs

    - Decrease the amount of Carbines to two.

    - Remove one mauler.

    - Add four frag grenades.

    Good luck on fixing it up. Hope this helped.
    #7 RaBBiiTTT, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  8. Crymzen

    Crymzen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the help ill do some of that when i work on a v2
  9. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    looks good, but 12 brs is alot. plus you need to put more cover spots in or else it looks to empty but good map 4/5

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