apparently this year's E3 holds alot in store for us reference Konami arent happy with their sales for MGS4 after the discounting of the PS3 and it's rumoured to be the mystery announcement for their presentation this year... oooooooooooo
This game is amazing. I loved it for the PS3, I would definitely buy it and play it again for the 360. It would be amazing if this were true.
Of course Konami is disappointed with sales - the PS3 fans don't even take pride in such a good title. Its an amazing game truly, and since I'm getting a PS3 and my friend already owns the game, I won't be buying it regardless, but its truly a good game.
Always wondered what was so great aboot (yes, I said aboot) MSG4. After all, we have to remember that MSG4 was the one thing that made the PS3 fanboys actually try to brag about a PS3 game. Even though I have a PS3, I think I'll get the Xbox 360 version, as I do not want to have to deal with downloading a new patch for the game everyday.
I dont know what that teaser pic was from Hideki's blog, but it seems we know now... MGS4 woth Online capabilities on 360!!! This (and LBP) were the only reasons that my friend sold his 360, and got a PS3. Now i can laugh in his face!
mgs4 is one of the main reasons why im saving for a ps3 may god make this happen EDIT: they have finished the MSG series so they might be trying to string all the money out
I'm pretty sure that was the teaser for the iPhone MGS shooter, which is already out I believe... I personally don't think that MGS4 will come to the 360, if even just for the problem of storage space on the 360. The Blu-Ray disc was completely filled when they made MGS4 for the PS3, and Blu-Ray discs have a 60 gb storage space. The DVDs that the 360 uses have a capacity of between 5 and 10 gb; MGS on the 360 would take at least 6 discs to run, and I doubt that Konami is going to go make a port that is that expensive to produce (they are a business after all).
Yes it was, everyone also speculated that it was coming to Xbox because of that picture also but as it turned out it came out on iPhone instead that is what he was trying to say with that picture. MGS4 was an amazing game on par with Fallout and Halo for my favourite current gen titles, its all speculation which likely won't happen but we can all hope.
The only good PS3 exclusive, and it's not an exclusive anymore. BUUURN!!! I actually think the 360 will come out on top now. This credit crunch has been nothing but good news for us lol
If it happens I will be extremely happy. Also, if you look back, MGS wasn't always a Playstation exclusive. If I remember right, they sent MGS2 over to Xbox to try to increase their sales since that game was... well any MGS fan will say it wasn't all that great. Anyways, although it seems it may not happen, the teaser site shows one of the MGS logos in the bottom right of the page. It looks like another MGS production and it could be a port for the 360. If Kojima was smart, he would port it to 360 because a huge fanbase for MGS moved to the 360 because of the gaming lineup. Eitherway, we can only hope.
Are you talking about the 'FOX unit' logo at the bottom right? Because that is just the company's logo (it was chosen because it came from Metal Gear Solid 3), so it doesn't necessarily mean that the announcement has anything to do with MGS... I'm still hoping it does, but I am doubtful...
^MGTouch I'm not sure why I'm excited for this, as I own a PS3 and it would be one of the only games I'd play on it (I dont use it), but I am...muchly.
Valkyria Chronicles Killzone 2 Resistance 2 MGS4 InFamous Uncharted Uncharted 2 lolwhat are you talking about? I posted that pic because it is another instance where this was hyped up.
Naw this is pretty much a confirmed rumor. It's highly solid this time. Btw niether U2 or Infamous are out yet, so you can't count those :\ who knows if they'll fail hard. KZ2 was good, but not halo. Never halo. Uncharted is solid, but not amazing and ungodly. Haven't played Res2, but Res was pretty mediocre. Heard good things about 2 though. You forgot LBP btw. But: God of War 3 All that matter really. Kratos is like the only comparable icon to Link and MC. Nintendo still owns with their iconic characters, but passed Link everyone else has been whored out too far. I'd like to see another Icon break onto the scene, though with all this sandbox styled games, it's less likely. Maybe Command Sheppard? or... Bill...bill...bill, zoey? zoey...zoey! FRANCIS....louis? God damnit louis die already. Bill. I shall now direct silence to this topic.