I came up with names for these only because my bro said I should. If you guys can come up with better ones, post! lURKing: Vivid: Saturate: kthnxbai!
Woah,how did you get Saturate.You have to show me that.Overall they are sweet.I like the recon one because of the colours,helm,angle,and background.Overall they are all cool.
Return to Screenshots? Another Great set of Screenshots Theorem! Here's what I think of each individual picture. lURKing: Usually I'd be the one to say to lose the Recon helmet for most pictures but, for some reason I feel that it suits the picture so well. In fact, the whole armor in my opinion suits the picture. I think it gives off some sort of masculine feel to the picture with the lowered weapons just adding to that feel. Excellent stance and color for the picture also. Vivid: Probably the least favorite of the three. While I still think it is a good picture I just think it would look better if all of the Sniper Rifle was showing. I like the exploding prowler(?) it gives off a look of destruction. Saturate: I have never seen a picture quite like this. I'm guessing it would be in the ice cave on Avalanche but I may be wrong. The picture looks great I love how it looks as if the Spartan is being engulfed into the red, and those red lines the- they just give the picture away so much more. Once again another great set of screenshots, let's hope you stay around for a while and continue to make more! : ]
That's exactly the feel i was getting when I saw it in Theatre. Good guess! It was either this or the usual orangey-blue explosion that occurs right after, and I've seen tons of pics like it... Another good guess! Primarily a Spartan Laser, with juicy, gloomy and a flare. Mabe a regen, but I can't exactly remember. The filr on the right just looks awesome. Basically, its the Spartan laser splash with the above effects. I've heard generally great comments about this one. Thanks for yours! Will do! And thanks for the extensive review!
Pretty nice shots, the 2nd is not as good. And the others are great. However the top-left corner in saturate kinda distorts it.
I love the last one and i also borrowed the effect thank you again 5/5 the first ones pretty good I'd say 4/5 and the second one is also a 4/5 very nice overall overall 4.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Wow these are amazing. I really like lURKing, great lighting and effects. Also I'm guessing that; that is URK in the picture. Also the smokey feel to it complements it well. Good Job
The first is really awesome. I'm not sure how you got that lighting, but it's really awesome. I like the last one too. It looks like he's in hell or something. The second's alright, but it doesn't even compare to the first and last.
Actually it's not. He is a friend of a friend (gotta protect his GT, sorry). I came up with the name after quickly recalling a joke in the PPC. Urk wears an ODST head wih Recon shoulders.
The last one is most definitely the best. The blood splatters look awesome and the transition from white to red to white again flows very nicely.
Haha, Saturate looks a lot like the cover to the Breaking Benjamin album cover for Saturate. i get it. nice. First one is pretty BA also, but the middle one is nothing special.
Wow these are really great! I personally like the last one the best. I love the colors and the postition and everything. It's fantastico! I think that the lURKing is my second fav cause of the lighting for sure!