In Finland, someone brought Pot brownies to my Grammar class (like English Class) for his "birthday"... the teacher had some too, lol that was a fun day, he got expelled.
I just had my last AP test today, I'm officially done with high school and off to college next year. Idk how things work at your school but at my school the whole "oo freshman!!" thing isn't as big of a deal. high school really isn't that different than middle school. here's my words of advice: -don't be a jackass -forgive and forget -attend all social gatherings (i.e. football games, plays, etc.) -get involved (clubs, sports, etc.) -keep up a high GPA, this WILL pay off more than anything in the future. -make a lot of good friends, but realize that the friends you go into highschool with most of the time aren't the ones you graduate with. -have fun just trust me on that.
Congrats! And I never did any clubs or football games. I went to about 2 football games, but we ended up just walking around the parking lot more. Don't get too into "school spirit". It's BS.
For me Its simple, like Insane said be yourself. If you act like you aren't or something you dont like then you wont like High school. In Example me: Began a a nerd, quiet, had no friends in the same classes. Now its Me Still being a Nerd, Having a Girlfriend, Having fun whenever i can, Dressing as Emo as Possible and Enjoy Life.
As to the whole backpack thing, we aren't a backpack school, but none of the teachers care. I have to catch my bus at the end of the day so I bring my backpack at the end of the day instead of running the whole way to the tech hallway from the other side of the school, getting my locker stuff, and then turning back around and just making it on the bus. So if backpacks are OK... just don't bring a bulky one.
Yea i wear a backpack. Just have one or two books in it. Dont stress about it, fresh and soph years were the best, especially if you have a lot of friends and your not stupid. I would tell you what not to be, but i already have a permanent infraction and i cant take any more.
Don't be a douche, and be a nice guy, and even if you aren't the coolest guy at least everyone won't view you as a douche. Douchiness is the most important factor in high school, and if you're a douche, it will come back around. I myself was a douche in middle school, but I have changed my ways.
I dont have a locker. I carry all of my books in my backback. One of my straps is broken, so i go 1 shoulder. I am 5'1". Do I win?
douche. Play a sport Be chill Dont stress homework Talk to everyone Even if you hang out with like 5 kids, talk to everyone and get your name out there. After a while people will just know your name and then it will kick in.
No..Pigglez..not everyone in my school are freshmans 0_o Im saying that backpacks are very common because of how large the school is.
If your that worried about a god damn backpack then just buy a sports one, the ones with the two strings on eather side. Its like a backpack but an updated/smaller version of one.
Thats true. Sometimes they wont hold all the my stuff though and I am not organized enough to keep folders and stuff in there. Im good with just a bookbag though. I have everything I need all the time. The cool thing is though, my 5th hour is right next to my locker and lunch is afterwards, so I put my bookbag in my locker and go to lunch. After lunch I go back to my locker and go to class right above my locker lol.
I'ts not so bad. Imo, much better than the previous grades. Just act like you know what you're doing. Act like a sophomore or junior would act. Don't be like omg what do I do? Also, be calm and mature. Don't overdo it though. whatever the hell you want with the backpack. Nobody's going to care as long as you don't try to act cool or what your not. One thing I can say is at the beginning, get someone to help you get around and get a feel of what your doing if you can. People might know your a freshman, it's obvious even if you try to hide it (it's sooo obvious), but asking random people where a room is or staring at a map of your school isn't a good idea. Actually, I'd say trying to pretend your not a freshman might even be a worse idea, but it doesn't really matter in the end. Mind you I'm speaking from a senior point of view, haven't been a freshman in a while.
Awww Freshmen asking for help. First don't act immature and mess with a teacher(unless they ask for it, like a sub or something), and don't annoy ppl by talking to them unless it seems like they like you.... in other words, Dont be a Freshmen!!!
Know a lot of older people. I was real chill with Seniors and Juniors and such. Due partly to my older brother who already graduated, he had friends who still went there and I hung out with them failry. Got rides, went to mall, ditched for burgers (Don't ditch profusely) and basically hung out. Basically just be friendly to everyone...but please don't suck-up or change yourself.
It probably depends on what school you go to, but you'll fit in fine if you get on everyones good side right of the start. I went to a public high school after coming from a private school, and I had no problems because I became friends with a lot of the upper classmen. If other upper classmen see them being nice to you, they will probably realize that you're not one of annoying, stupid freshman that they are so used to seeing. I guess it also has to do with your personality. I'd tell you to be yourself, but that honestly doesn't always work. I was able to change my personality for the better, so it's not always a bad thing to change the way you act around people.