yea that makes sense...u should tell everybody that the new version is up to fix that penalty box, this is definitely the best minigame out right fast do the warthogs respawn?
Normal respawn time of 30 seconds. I didn't feel the need to change it since the matches are only a minute long anyways.
I used to play a similar kind of thing on Coagulation in Halo 2. My bidy and I would just fly around the map on hogs trying to smash into each other until one of us blew up. I guess firebombs and nades would make it more fun.
I couldn't agree with you more, I honestly think I have more fun just messing around in different levels, then actually playing halo competitively, But that's just me.
my only problem was that much too often people would camp out in the hog corners until threatened, then drive over to the other one. Could you have maybe elevated them a bit so you can't get back on after driving off?
OK!!!!!!! wow!!!!!! this is better then the other guys version! I must admit you are quiet creative! 3rd best mini game!
i like the idea it's seems like it could be very entertaining and fun but i'm just wondering about what halofan321 said like raise the platforms and have the ramps go downwards into the map and if the people still wish to camp up there have man cannons spawn up there at say 20secs into the match. but this could be a problem with the hogs spawning but you should be able to figure something out.
Fun!only problem was the shield doors kept people up for longer so you have to wait a while to get points after u knock off the other person
This idea has been thrown around between Lightsout and I before,so it may come to fruition! Yeah I know,but they eventually fall. Plus a huge part of the game is getting knocked off and making a crazy jump back on to the board. Everyone deserves a second chance! It's in the description,but in a nutshell the people in the box would just barely touch the hill and technically be out of the game,but still in the hill. The hill height is perfect for the warthog so I decided to make the box aesthetic rather than changing the gametype. Like I said in the description, this gametype is the invention of Preplook1,this is just my pimped out version. Thanks!
All my friends love this. It was a blast to play. One problem I found (probably aforementioned) was that when you kill somebody in the same penalty box as you they respawn back in the arena. It could be fixed w/ starting points and respawn points.
yea i changed the gametype so it is set at ffa instead of teams because depending on what color u pick, u may not start in the right spot. also i changed the respawns so u dont get to come back in the arena...but i still gave u credit in the description