Hey guys whats up? Matt Here, from LA. and I'm going to High School next year... It's gonna be my first year and I am going to a different school than all my friends and stuff. So anyone who is In high school or past high school that has any tips for me, please share. even if you don't have any tips, please, feel free to post any strange, fun, crazy, or even sad experiences you've had throughout high school. thanks, and see you all around
Tip: Don't be a Freshmen. I hope you understand what I mean... people shouldn't be able to tell that you are one. But, on the other hand, don't try to be "cool"
oh ya, thanks. i know what you mean.... i got stuck in one before...lol, jk jk.... thanks for the tip?? ya. i know what you mean.... I'm going to "Try" to stay out of everyone's business... I really don't stand out much....so ya....is Freshmen year really as bad as everyone says it is? you know...all the other kids picking on you and such??
I am a Freshman right now, and I can tell you from experience, that it really isn't as bad as they make it seem. As long as you don't say anything stupid, you should be fine.
Dont act like your all tough keep your GPA at about 3 Get a girlfriend eh its not really bad its actually really fun
haha, the GPA will be the hardest....i hate school....so much... what was the easiest year for you so far?
12th Grade, because I had already got accepted to a plethura of Colleges and I could care less. But 10th came second. 11th is the hardest.
Don't worry dude. I am a freshman, and I got really depressed right before school started. The school I go to is 800 miles away from my middle school. Being a freshman isn't as hard as you think. As a matter of fact this whole past 9 months has been a complete blur. It feels so strange to me, but it wasn't very bad I guess. Don't make the same mistake I did though, don't hesitate to be friends with everyone you meet.
Testing, I think in the US the big ones are ACT and SAT. Also looking for Colleges, unless you procrastinate and look for Colleges as a Senior. I recommend searching for a College as aa Junior though. PS: After Highschool is College, WHICH ROCKZ!
Freshman year is the hardest when it comes to the grades. Most freshmans are immature and dont worry about their grades as much
Also, for some reason, you're instantly cooler if you do drugs/ party like a muthaf*****. If that's not your thing, lying and saying it is seems to work. At least, that's how it is at my school.
Buy a TracFone. Put the number up on the bathroom walls saying, "My ex g/f gives free bj's - Text XXX-XXX-XXXX." Never answer calls! If and when someone texts you, be like, "Who's this?" ..and then BLAM! "I'm the principals wife! How dare you!?" =P good luck..
Just be yourself and you'll be fine. Maybe you'll get pushed around once or twice, but nothing big. Our class has had some...fun with some freshies, but their all idiots. Don't pretend to be super cool and don't hang out with people that you don't belong hanging out with.
Join some sports, baseball is easy. If you're into hardcore work and you want to get jacked then go for wrestling. I didn't last a week training for wrestling.