Chop n' Drop! Chop n' drop is a competitive map on the ground floor of sandbox. It works well with anywhere from 4 to 14 players and supports the Slayer, FFA, Capture the flag, Assault, and King of The Hill gametypes. I highly recommend FFA and KotH (or FFAKoTH!) gametypes as those are the most fun to play. The map features Two bases (I use that term lightly) two sniper towers, four chopper garages (where the map gets it's name) a central tunnel like structure, and two gauss warthogs (with a high spawn rate ;D) The vehicles on the map are meant to be a central focus, but things such as the fuel rod and brute shots can handle them if they get out hand. It also feature a good amount of cover for those on foot, but not so much that the vehicles can't get around. The map went through 10 hours of building and 5 of testing and polishing. I put a lot of hard work into this, so I hope you like it. Weapons list Fuel rod (90 seconds) Brute shot x2 (60 sec.) BR x4 (default) Needler x2 (default) Sniper x2 (120 sec.) SMG x4 (default) Sentinal beam x2 (default) Stickies x8 (default) Bubble shield x2 (default) Warthog gauss x2 (max spawn time) Chopper x4 (120 sec) SCREENSHOTS! Overview: [/URL] Red sniper tower: [/URL] Blue sniper tower: [/URL] Chopper garages: [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Base 1, red base: [/URL] [/URL] Base 2, blue base: [/URL] [/URL] Middle "tunnel": [/URL] [/URL] Warthog Gauss (Same on both sides): [/URL] And now for some action shots! Close call: [/URL] Giving wingless choppers the ability to fly:[/URL] Double kill: [/URL] Headshot: [/URL] The sniper gets sniped: [/URL] Aireal assault to secure the win: [/URL] DOWNLOAD CHOP N' DROP: : Halo 3 File Details
This looks like a great map and love the interlocking on the gauss warthog pic. The only thing is that you should put maybe a rocket launcher in case a a guy goes out of control with the gauss warthog XD. BTW did you post this before because I recognize the pics...
I love the area by the guass; very good interlocking design. Also, the layout looks great for 4v4 games. But, the shield doors could use some fixing. I hope your making a v2, with everything is interlocked. 8/10
Thanks for the feedback guys. I actually did post this before I just forgot to put V2 in the title. I do have everything interlocked where it was nessesary sniper king, but I'll look into those shield doors. I'll make as many versions as it takes to get this map perfect Edit. Also, I don't think the map needs a RL. There are brute shots and the fuel rod (not a OHK, but it still flips it and damages it greatly.) stickies, and other vehicles. And I tried a rocket launched in the tests, and the fuel rod just plays so much better.