Sandbox Espionage v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sarge525, May 14, 2009.

  1. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Espionage v2
    The spiritual successor to my map Espionage; which was made over a year ago, now.

    This map functions both for asymetric and symetric gametypes. And is designed as a high military research facility, which has a surplus of ventalation systems running throughout. The overall gameplay can be best described as, long hall BR fights with close range melee and nade fights; so based on your location the map will have different play styles that work best. This is also evident in the custom gametype that originated the map back when the first version was built. I will get into detail about this gametype later on. Now the reason I use the phrase "spiritual successor" rather then simply saying it is a remake, is that it looks nothing like the original in design and aesthetics. Half of this being due to my increase in forging ability, and the other half because I had so much more to work with.


    Weapon Set
    AR x1 [2 clips]
    BR x5 [2 clips]
    SMG x1 [2 clips]
    Magnum x1 [2 clips]
    Sniper x1 [1 clip] (Symmetric)
    Rocket Launcher x1 [0 clips] (Asymmetric)
    Shotgun x1 [0 clips] (Asymmetric)

    Equipment Set
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Trip Mine x1 (changes location based on symmetry)
    Regenerator x1 (Asymmetric)
    Bubble Shield x1 (Asymmetric)
    Firebomb x2 (Asymmetric)

    Supported Gametypes
    Team Slayer
    One Bomb
    Neutral Bomb
    Land Grab
    ...well all of them, but I would suggest symmetric unless you are playing the custom gametype "Intel Grab" or One Bomb.

    The map is a series of four rooms, with a ventilation chamber above all two floors (third floor). The second floor is an elaborate U-shape that crosses over the whole map; and the first floor is a series of open chambers with natural cover on either ends of each chamber. The third floor (ventilation chamber) connects all the vents throughout the map and provides slow, but safe, travel around the map.

    A Crappy Paint Picture I Did in a Second...

    Central Chamber

    North Wing

    Ventilation Chamber

    East Base

    West Base

    East Long Hall 1st Floor

    East Long Hall 2nd Floor

    West Long Hall 1st Floor

    West Long Hall 2nd Floor

    Ventilation System
    There are entrances/exits from the vent system at each chamber location. When playing symmetric games the vents are open in both directions; but in asymmetric games, the vents become one way (out).

    Central Chamber/East Base Connecting Vent

    North Wing Vent

    East Base Vent

    West Base Vent

    Custom Gametype
    The custom gametype Intel Grab, is a territory based game where one team spawns with nothing but equipment, and the other (defending) team spawns with a large amount of weapons. This creates a gametype where one team must stealthily sneak in, via the vents, and capture the territories; while the defending team must try and hold them off with their cache of weapons. The custom powerup gives the defenders an enhanced radar, which allows them to hunt down the players progressing through the vents easily, but it makes them a ready target for the attackers.
    #1 Sarge525, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great!

    The idea of the vents is very interesting and tactical.

    I will give more detailed feedback when i have tested it with friends.

    edit: i have just finished testing this map with some friends and it is amazing! Before we played i did a forgethrough and i wasnt that impressed but when we played it with the gametype it works so well. Crazy king was also a favourite.

    My only problem with the map is that t is bumpy in places.

    Also does this map work for infection?
    Because if the zombies started in the equipment room that woud be really good for save one bullet.

    Outstanding staying on my hard drive. Fix the errors and yoou will have my alltime favourite map 4.5/5
    #2 PILGRIM, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  3. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I like this. I might actually download and give it a try. I really like the use of multiple floors. In that way it reminds me of avarice (although nothing like it) Looks like it would provide for some nice gameplay. I think you need to add more astectics but other then that it looks pretty good. I will look for a v2 (if there is one)
  4. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I must say, this is one of the most original i've seen lately on ForgeHub, I really like the look of the map and the use of the vents. Also playing with the custom gametype seems to be really tactical and fun. From this point, i dont see any faults cause it looks really clean!
  5. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    Vents are something I have been wanting to see in a map for a long time. I've always been fond of them, whether it be in Counter-Strike or some other game. They always present interesting tactical scenarios and always keep defenders wary of having to gaurd multiple entrances. I tried doing them once, but it kind of sucked. Kudos to you. Downloaded. Try making more maps in this style.
  6. Elite1111111111

    Elite1111111111 Ancient
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    This is an amazing map. The use of the vents, the specific weapons/equipment placement, and the gametype make this a very unique map. I don't think I've ever seen another map done like this before. I love tactical, sneaky-sneaky maps.
  7. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Very interesting map, even more so because I didn't even realize it was in the skybubble. That's very impressive. It is kind of confusing at first, especially with all the intricate tunnels. I will definitely be trying this one out in a game.
  8. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    I would have loved to add more aesthetics, but sadly I had reached the total object limit. And I had already piece-pinched where at all possible just so I could finish the map itself, so I could not add more aesthetic touches with out compromising the maps integrity. Thanks though, for the comment.
  9. ShibbyLib

    ShibbyLib Ancient
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    Finally, you released this. I had heard talks (in the debate forum or something) of a remake/reimagining of Espionage by you, but now it is posted. I loved the first one, albeit a bit subquality in forging, becasue it had some of the best gameplay. Oh and a word to the wise: play with the custom gametype, because it best utilizes the map's layout. Heres to another great round of Intel Grab.

    II ELITE II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really nice design. I like the use of the ventilation tunnels to provide and alternative route around the map. From what I can see the merging looks clean and smooth. A 4.5/5 and a dl from me.

  11. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    your map got stolen and renamed mine or something i love this map

    and the zombie spawn tunnels were forged with greatness
  12. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    wow can you take worse pictures? or is your map that terrible claustrophobic? Is you entire map made out of tunnels and Y Intersections? holy crap take better pics or stop making maps, no DL from me until you post an overview or something, but the map looks unoriginal anyway
  13. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Quit your whining about no overview pic when it's an enclosed map. Meanwhile this guy is deticated enough to make this to show the design of the map. (P.S. Dude please stop putting down every map you look at.)

    Anyway, this map's design is genius in my opinion. I love the aesthetics as well. But my favorite peice of this map is it looks like you put together a ventilation system that goes well with the map. Definetely a DL from me
  14. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Well, while Shea covered most of the points I would like to make in my rebutle (thanks by the way), I do have some points to add. First off, the pictures are not there to look good, or be captivating, or anything along any of those lines; they are there for one reason: demonstrate the layout and flow of the map. It might be a bit over your head if I list floor and compass direction for each picture, but it is there to show you how the layout pictures match up with the in-game screenshots. Also, this map is a closed map (because there are not enough of them being made on sandbox), and required me to back as far into a corner to try and get decent coverage with each picture; so before you go bashing for not having "good" pictures think a little. Now you may be wondering why each picture doesn't have some effect or combat going on, but these pictures always take away from what should be the highlight of a screenshot... the map itself (cool, it's blue and neat looking I'll download this map because it has a neat picture that shows nothing of the map...*sarcasm FTW*). Secondly, overview pictures (as you call them) do not work on maps with multiple floors or with such intricate detail as this; and a bunch of jumbled pieces from the sky don't give you nearly as good an idea of how a map plays as a drawn picture in combination with screenshots.

    BTW If you think that any map with a ceiling is terribly claustrophobic, you have no sense of depth and size. And honestly, you shouldn't rip on a map that you haven't played on; at least when I insult a map, I provide constructive criticism rather than stoutly denouncing the forger entirely. What have you done that is so special other than lick the balls of rather crap maps; and precede to insult maps that provide something different to your own (horrible) preferences.

    ...ok that last part was a bit mean, even though it was rather deserved.
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This reminds me of a map on Goldeneye 007 for the N64. And I loved that map, and all the little tunnels that were all connected. This is definitely an orginal Sandbox map, and if you spiced up the tunnels a bit as far as aesthetics go, this could have feature potential.
    Still not there yet, though :p But keep at it on this one, I would really love to see what this could be, because I know this could be a monster of a map.
  16. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I definitly like the idea of this map. Seems very tactical, and the layout is technical. Multiple levels are always good when used right and you did a very good job here. My only problem is that the vents seem pretty long in some places, so thats a long crouch walk. Some of the weapon choices seem heavy, like the Shotty will be hardcore in those hallways with all the close quarters. Also the rockets and sniper, Doesnt seem big enough from the pics but I really would have to check it out first, but I like what I see in the post. Good job
  17. MatrixedYOU

    MatrixedYOU Ancient
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    Very good, you have my download!
  18. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Actually, the power weapons balance out really well. The rockets and shotgun are only on the map when it is an asymmetric gametype, and both have no extra clips. The sniper, likewise, is only on in symmetric gametypes; so there is only one power weapon in the symmetric gametypes.

    Specifically, these weapons are supported well due to two features on the map:
    1. Close quarters passing east to west.
    2. Very long hallways north to south.

    The rason these ^ are so significant is that the shotgun will only play out well if the enemies approach him from certain directions (E or W), otherwise the longer range weapon will have the advantage (N or S). This is also the reason the sniper plays out very well on the map. And in truth the vents aren't used as often in the slayer gametypes because they do slow you down, but they add other tactics that can be implemented if so chosen.

    Thanks for the comment,
    #18 Sarge525, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  19. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    Wow sarge you finally posted it nice i loved when we played this its way better than the first one now all you have to get down with is gateways 2. Also how do you make the picture layout?
    #19 Insane117, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009

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