Two new shots. I've been toying with Elites quite a bit. I think Elites should be utilized more often in screenshots, even though I hate being one. =P Let me know what you think. Lurking No-Name
IMO, the second is dreadfull. Sorry, it just looks to...jumbled up. The First is nice, like a...rustic kind of effect. I dont like the camo on the elite though, but good job. Not many people can pull of a screenshot with the lighting coming from the top.
Not my favorite of your work. But I do like the fact that you are trying to be original. I like the first one better than the second because I like the lighting and the angle. Good job on the first one! The second one however is just ok for me. I don't like some of the bright spots and its kind of hard to make everything out. But I've seen worse so... Well anyway keep up the good work!
The first one is great. The colors and background are amazing for this shot. The second one is too bright and over contrasted. The lighting isn't great either.
nice, very original with the elites, i like the second one, it has good lighting and i like the active camo effect you used here the second one is wayy too crowded, i couldn't tell the main point of the picture until looking into it for a minute, so i dont like it too much
1st one is the best but IMO would have worked better with a covanent weapon. 2nd one seems kind of jumbled up. Still awsome pic takin Leeumm.
Very well done.I would say that you may name the second shot "Opponent".But one very gopod reason I really do not like the shots is that the eyes on the elites are too lit up.So get farther away and then zoom in and it may possibly be fixed.Overall the first is my favorite because of the red light.Now that is pretty darn sick!
The first one is really nice, I really like the colors in this screenshot along with his lurking eyes sticking out of the whole pic. The second one isn't really that great. I can't really distinguish parts of the screenshot, it all seems mixed together. The first one is good though, as I said the armor really makes this screenshot good, the popping eyes save this screenshot.
The thing I like about the first is that the Elite blends in enough with the background to make it seem like he's hiding, yet his head and pistol is extended out. Also the tilt in the Elite's head, and the glowish eyes, make for a really good "creeping death" look (pun intended ) The second is ok by your standards. The Camo is still slightly in effect, and the pen and ink just doesn't work too well with lighting. Overall the first is clearly better. Btw, love the sig. Y'know, a sig of the first pic would probably look awesome...
the 1st one is good but a different wepon could have been used the second one is better it looks as if hes comouflage 3/5 4/5 good work
wTf?1?!! did u just SteAlz mAh pic nAmeZorZ?!!??! Eh, I'm ok with it tho. "Lurking" works better for your pic than mine... And name the second "Defiance." I see an Elite protesting the starvation deaths on his home planet because of rationing food to the soldiers, standing up against the Prophets and Tartarus...
You would think so, but for whatever reason, every Covenant weapon I tried was a blob of light in the picture. So I chose a Magnum because it's small and keeps the attention of the Elite, rather than the weapon. And thanks for the feedback, guys. =)