need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"spud"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ballika, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    You remember when you were a kid (or if you still are) hearing "Five-Hundred" being yelled by a friend as he hurls a ball into the air for you and 4 of your other friends to fight over and try to catch? Don't you!

    Sorry, stupid intro but i hope i'm not the only kid that played this game. Some people called it "jackpot" or "spud" but i'm sure a lot of people played the game, it is a simple concept. Well i'm trying to think up a way to make it a minigame. The Map variant seems like it is self explan. just an elevated platform where the thrower stands, with a large square "catching" platform below it where the catchers stand. stuck out over the cliff in standoff or rats nest would probably be some good spots for this structure.

    What i can't figure out though is the gametype to use and how to set it up. I tried to  just consider the object of the game and what role i always wanted to play in it. I personally liked to be a catcher, cherry picking the back of the "mob" trying to catch the ball and running forward and jumping through at the last second to catch the ball. I didn 't particularly like being the thrower though. I was wondering if anyone really did?
            So what would the objectives be? obviously, to get 500 points. But once you catch for "five hundred", you are supposed to become the thrower. Also, i envisioned using sticky nades randomly launched from a man cannon into the catching area. but that won't work because the nades won't be active. I don't want to use fusion coils because you can't actually "catch' one like you would be able to catch a Plasma gernade. so there has to be a thrower. What is in it for him? in real life, the thrower is just kind of the guy that won the last round. You don't get anything for throwing the ball far away from the "mob" so they can't catch it. They just get pissed at you and your arm gets tired.

    So how do i make this game happen. It could be so fun i think. I've toyed with the idea of using king of the hill, infection or vip gametypes. just not sure exactly how to do it. Please discuss any ideas you might have, even if they sound nothing like what i talked abot up there.
    If you've read all this please leave at least a short comment with any kind of idea in it. Thanks!
    *shouts* ----------"FIVE HUNDRED"----------

                                              . . . . . . . . .Who's gonna catch it?
  2. aimed shots

    aimed shots Ancient
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    Re: need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"sp

    You could give everyone just enough overshields so they won't survive it when they are stuck and then make every death worth points.
  3. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Re: need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"sp

    You could have a mancannon launch a radar jammer. You would put the radar jammer on instant respawn, and you would just throw it off the cliff once you catch it. There wouldn't be anyway to actually keep a score though, but a radar jammer can be caught and is the right size.
  4. Commander_Ocy

    Commander_Ocy Ancient
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    With your sticky nades idea...

    You could make it so that it's just slayer, and the thrower could have an instantly respawning pile of plasma nades. The thrower would then just throw the nades (mancannon or physical throwing) and the catchers would get stuck. Make each death x points and go until whenever you want. When someone wins, end the game and switch the thrower (1 thrower on a seperate team, everyone else on the same team) Turn FF off and it should work.

    Hope I helped. :squirrel_giggle:
  5. icebubba2005

    icebubba2005 Ancient
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    I actually really like this concept w/ the sticky nades and all. I think it would be fun. Good luck!
  6. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    Re: need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"sp

    Heres my thought. Make a map on foundry, with ( like you said) an elevated platform. Make the platform above a fenced in area (arena). For the gametype, im thinking assault. Make the bomb spawn on the platform and the bomb placement in the middle of the arena. the "thrower" throws the bomb has to place it on the placement objective to get the points, make each score 100 or 50 points and then make winner the next "thrower", or defense.

    I hope this helps
  7. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Hmmm.... assualt sounds good. I would have the thrower throw the bomob through a mancannon so others have to catch it and the plant point is in the middle of the catcher's area. Everyone there would die, so one person spawns back at the thrower's spot. I have no idea where the thrower goes, though...
  8. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    Re: need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"sp

    well to solve this, id guess we'd have to rely on the honor rules somewhat, just have the winner switch teams to the throwers team and then have the thrower switch to the catchers team
  9. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Honor rules suck. i really want to come up with a creative way to make this map. Think of using shield walls to redirect gernades or grav lifts. Hmmmm, i have come so close to figuring this out a few times but there is just one elusive part that i can't quite complete an idea for this minigame.
  10. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    i know honor rules suck, its just the only way i could think of solving this
  11. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Awesome idea, i always loved playing this even though i am not that good o_O. Anyway, building off the sticky idea, have the thrower in the box and make it so you have to get catch (get stuck) with a sticky 5 times. Then when the round is over the winner first person to get stuck 5 times would be the thrower next. Infection and juggernaut would be best for this i believe.

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