god everyone's geting a bad fram of mind . yeah it suck if it stayed the same but i like the new look a lot.
thanks buff, i dont want to take the time to read everyone else's and im still flabbergasted that they did
well they did it that's for sure to many complaner's and such btw dont go to the b.net forums its even bigger mess there.
This is great news indeed! First Sidewinder, now Lockout gets remade. Bungie is quite generous to us with this map pack. I can't wait to play on them and Ghost town. Can't wait to see what Crazy creations we could make in Forge with this map...
yeah everyone begged for lockout, and now that they made it, everyone is bitching about this and that, it just like like the melee fix, eveyone begs and complains, then when it finally happens everyone on bungie.net starts to cry about how now the melee system is horrible. Bungie did the best could could and quite frankly, they did a pretty good job with melee and blackout. Bottom line to little bitches who begged and pleaded for lockout: "Shut the F*CK up, and get the F*CK out. they made it for you, and now your poopoo-ing. shame on you! luckily there is a solution, Step 1. Kill yourself Congradulations, you dead, and everyone else is happy."
im still gonna say the lighting is ugly but i still think this map is gonna be awsome especialy if the hornet is a forge vehicle for this map so you could put just one on the helapad also what the could do for lighting is they could make a bunch of those lights forge objects so u could make it realy dark for infection games
sorry to post again 2 times in row but i just noticed something that place where the sniper is has a room with windows in it you can see that in pic 3 but if u look closely at pic 1 its hard to tell if thats a door or a door way if u know what i mean
I don't know how anyone can think it's better, when in reality, it's even worse. I knew from the get-go that they should stay with the first system because now when ever the both of you and your opponent have a double beat down, you both die. That's stupid. And people who asked for the new system, need to understand that there is a difference a bullet or two.
Back up your points or don't say anything else about it. On Topic: Blackout should include more BR's. And also theres been an update. Something about something new to forge.
What I hope they include is a snap to 90 degree angle feature, or maybe switch to grid system for building walls and things much quicker. What I think it will though is that some of the objects will be ramps that actually look like the ones already on the map ( like real map making pieces) that will let people make much prettier looking things.