Hey, how do I submit a video to Bungie so it appears on the front page? I've got to do this by the end of today and it'd be very helpful if you could answer ASAP. Thanks!
first of all, to your signature, thats what she said, and secondly, i'm pretty sure that in order to get to the front page, you need to be a pretty active b.net community member, so don't be dissapointed if they don't put it up.
Thanks, I knew it had something to do with that submit button, but I wasn't quite sure... Well, I'll have a go at it!
Pretty much. I got on the front page by having HBO link to my video. It was different enough that HBO picked it up an then Bungie saw it. If the video isn't any good it won't be up there. Good luck with getting it up there but I don't think there is anything you can do to make them put it up.