demons on death pit another awsome map by the team of d4rkdemon and i2 ninja 4u gametype humans: no shield recharge shot gun start 0% damage limited ammo alpha + normal zombies: energy sword start 50% gravity low speed 150% damage last man: instant kill no shield recharge limited ammo general setting: 10 lives per round 10 rounds the zombies should just keep destroying pallets until some humans fall, humans should try not to fall and dont worry the last man normally gathers quite a few kills but if the zombies keep swarming him he will die screenshots human spawn [/URL] zombie spawn [/URL] i'll get you! [/URL] surrounded [/URL] screenie of me in action [/URL] quote from a tester 'lets play again' DL map : Halo 3 File Details gametype : Halo 3 File Details ENJOY PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT
Sounds like fun, If i were to download this i would probably decrease the amount of lives, or do the humans die like, really easily? Anyway, overall i give this a 8/10 and will be downloading it Nice screenie btw
I gotta say this is not anything new, it's been made a looooong time ago (but, I believe you haven't seen it so I wont blame you on Narrows, called Hobo Heights if I remembre right. Anyhow as I guess it's your own idea a good map.
You should clean this up a bit like make your post less sloppy in grammar... your pics look neat but im gonna hold from dl right now
This map was fun o make we were pondering over many ideas with pallets and this can to mind i didnt have any idea this was done before on a different map
no i havent seen a map like this before and i want constructive critisism not just you saying what the last guy said yeah you know i am not exactly awsome at english in school and i hope for constructive critisim on my map not just mentioning that i am not that good at spelling