The Alley Created by LittlejTFS [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer - (Doubles / 1 v 1) [br] Map Description This Map takes place at the lowest section on Guardian, the pathway from the sniper tower through to the orange lift. There are bases set up on either side however they are in no way fortified and will not provide too much cover (in an attempt to keep the gameplay a little more smooth and cut down on camping). Positioned in the middle are two central Plasma Cannon Turrets, one pointing towards each base. These may not be the smartest option to take as they are positioned next to two power cores and when they explodes you will be quickly taken out. I've tried to provide as much cover as possible in the small space without making it too cramped. Gravity Lifts, Teleporters and Immovable crates will stop anyone from getting out of the playable area. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Central Turrets [br] Defenders Base [br] Attackers Base [br] Sniper [br] Down 'The Alley' [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is the first map I've ever made with Forge, basically I just wanted to try some of the techniques I'd read about, fusing objects, making immovable objects, blocking off sections with Gravity lifts / teleporters etc. As I went along I thought it looked fair decent so I decided to make it into a playable map. I'm not too sure how well it will play out in the small space but I'll definetely be more than happy to recieve feedback. Thanks. [br] Download 'The Alley' Here [br]
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map Welcome to Forgehub. This is pretty cool for your first map. It's a looks really small but seems to feel larger. Now I will finally have a fun map that all my friends can enjoy and play. I've downloaded your map by the way.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map it looks very nice. Is there a CTF version? or Assualt? I feel like those would work well.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map This is actually very creative and balanced. I like how you had some floating pallets. 5/5
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map Looks pretty cool man. How much ammo does the sniper have? It looks like the sniper might have too much of an advantage unless if the ammo is lowered.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map This is one of the few older map variants that I am willing to download even today because it looks well put together and actually neat and fun to play on.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map Sorry, but CTF or Assualt??? There is no possible way. Right when you kill the other person you would have to grab the flag and he would spawn next to you. If you read the max players, 1v1-2v2 that probably wouldn't be much fun. However, slayer or TS looks like it would work well. I like the looks of this for slayer gametypes.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map alright preety good look to it and i'm very happy that you didn't use foundry nice to see a different map everynow and then. but yeah are there many spawn points towards the middle, i no you have alot of spawns in the bases bit i still think you might be able to spawn kill. Correct me if i'm wrong i was just wondering. yeah also with the snipers how much ammo is in each? and a list of weapons would help if you want to add it.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map OMG! This isnt on Foundry! This looks like Tunnel Raid was your inspiration! Don't deny it!
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map "it looks very nice. Is there a CTF version? or Assualt? I feel like those would work well." If people would like a version like that I'd be more than happy too but as someone else said it would probably be a little too easy to win once you kill the other team. The respawn time would basically give you enough time to capture the flag. Assault with one bomb might work (like grifball), the rounds would go quick but it could work ok. "Looks pretty cool man. How much ammo does the sniper have? It looks like the sniper might have too much of an advantage unless if the ammo is lowered." Too much I believe, I think I forgot to change the ammount of spare clips and thats a very good point. I didn't give the shotgun (in the centre) any spare clips but forgot to do the same with the snipers. "but yeah are there many spawn points towards the middle, i no you have alot of spawns in the bases bit i still think you might be able to spawn kill." Yeah spawn killing was one of my biggest concerns with it being so small. Along the pathway to the middle there is about another 6 spawns on each side (behind the crates as well) and right in the center there are another 2 spawns each side by the gravity lifts, where the curved wall provides cover. As for the list of weapons (off the top of my head): - Battle Rifles - Assault Rifles - 2 Sniper Rifles (one for each base) - 1 Shotgun (0 spare clips) - 2 Plasma Turrets Equiptment: - 2 Bubble Shields - 2 Regenerators Since there seems to be some interest in the map (thanks for that by the way I wasn't expecting it) I'll release another version with updates suggested here (sniper ammo etc.). For anyone whos downloaded the map have you found any possible ways to get out? I'm pretty certain I've covered everything but I know there's some tricky jumps on Guardian which I'm not entirely sure how to do . Thanks again guys.
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map personally, that alley is too crowded to even play on empty, i always run into people trying to get back and i end up dying by stray grenades
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map this map makes guardien much more enjoyable and its not on the new maps so i really like it beacause i am sick of them! It reminds me of tunnel raid aswell was that an inspriation?
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map OH MY GOD someone forged on guardian! anyway the layout of the map looks pretty solid and theres no problem with weapon placement but the turrets seem a bit much and the barriers might be a little hard to get past but i think that that was the idea, so, good job
Re: The Alley - Guardian Map "This map looks quite nice, but is the garden accesible?" The garden isn't accessible, it's blocked off by gravity lifts. "but the turrets seem a bit much" Yeah I wasn't so sure about how they would play out. I wanted somthing in the centre so they are there for decoration more than anything (which is why I put the power cores there so people will think twice before using them). As for the Tunnel Raid I've never heard of it before so I guess I wasn't inspired by it lol Thanks again for the comments guys. Edit: I realised there was a problem with someone of the teleporters blocking off areas, some will teleport you to the wrong area and if you make a well timed jump off of one of the crates you can avoid the teleporters but I'm pretty sure I've fixed that now and that will be in V2.
Thanks and yeah just wanted to get the basics down on forging before I started making some stuff in Foundry. I have another map coming along now, used a lot of interlocking etc. and I'm very pleased with the way it has turned out. I should be releasing that in a couple days or so.