i need help making a map on foundry, i basically want like 2 bases,and then in the middle theres like a pit,seperating the 2 bases,and when u fall in theres like 2 ways to go,and they lead to the basment of one of the bases and i basically need help interlocking the things..
whoa whoa....this isnt the worst ive ever seen, but it could be alot better. describe what gametype it is, describne your idea in better detail: is it a deathpit or a lower level or something else?, also what makes your map different than other maps, or tell us how the gameplay will work out. a little grammar helps too....
Ok,so basically theres going to be 2 bases. Gigantic ones. Theres going to be like,a pit to seperate both of them. like its just going to be in the middle of both the bases and theres no way of getting past it unless you jump over it.If you fall in theres going to be 2 open boxes on each side. Ones going to lead to one base the other ones going to lead to the other. They will lead you to the bottom of the base. Then there will be grav lifts or something to bring you to the top of the base. Then maybe in the top middle there will be like a floating sword or something and on the sides there will be like little ramps or something. Idk but do you catch my drift now?
Weclome to Forge Hub. A good idea is to get a second controller. Trust me, it comes in handy. Interlocking objects isn't a hard business, just go here.
Good. It would be nice if you would amke the map and take some screenshots and then post your map in the competitive map section of the forums. You will get better feedback there. Welcome to the forums!