Mythic DLC The Hive v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Next Wednesday, May 14, 2009.

  1. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
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    "Apparently we're looking for a bug nobody's ever seen before...Some kind of smart bug." -Lt. John Rico, Starship Troopers

    Next Wednesday presents:

    NOTE!!!!--- This is an updated version of "The Hive", it now has:

    1. More cover on the main level
    2. Only two types of grenades (plasma and frag)
    3. Kill Balls at the tunnel escapes (so nobody can escape the tunnels and access the rest of the unbuilt crypt)
    3. Support for CTF (multi-flag)
    4. Support for Assault (2 bomb as well as 1 bomb, but 1 bomb may not play as well)
    5. No Mongooses (people were driving them down into tunnels)
    Map Description:
    This map has many, many hours of forging. It employs both the main level and the crypt of sandbox. Everything in the crypt was floated/interlocked as best I could. It currently supports slayer gametypes, capture the flag (only 2 flag), and assault (both two-bomb and one-bomb).
    The theme of the map is a giant anthill with two bases on either side of it. Two mancanneporters lead out of the hive and back up to the surface.

    Sniper X1
    Rockets X1
    Sword X1
    Brute Shot X2
    Needler X4
    BR X16
    SMG X10
    Plasma Rifle X10
    Spiker X2
    Bubble Shield X2
    Assorted grenades (a bunch of both frags and plasmas)
    Warthog X2
    Machine Gun Turret X2 (took the place of the mongooses)

    Without further ado, here are some pictures.

    Surface Overview:

    Surface View from Rocket side (sniper is directly opposite in the tower)
    View 1 of the interior structure
    View 2 of the interior structure
    View 3 of the interior structure
    Example 1 of what the tunnels look like from the inside
    Example 2 of what the tunnels look like from the inside

    The queen's chamber (location of both the bomb arming spots, as well as both flags...and the sword spawn, duh)

    Close Quarters in the Hive

    Enjoy THE HIVE, and let me know what you think!
    Also, if anybody knows a good way to get custom games going on Live, please post a reply to let me know, I want to test this map desperately.

  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    this is an interestering concept. I think i like it. Im not really sure. I would have to play it to really understand it i think. It certainly looks good. I like that dome looking thing on the main level. One question i have is why are there two flag spawn points in the 2nd to last picture? Other then that the map looks pretty good. Hope to see more good forging from you.
  3. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    Looks original. Going to download this and see how it plays.
  4. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This is a good idea, and you made it very well. I like how you put both flag spawns in the same room. That would definetly mix things up a bit. Also, the sword in the flag room with only ONE entrance is a big no no. They could just camp in the quenns lair with the sword and kill whoever enters. Easy as that. Move the sword to on the top of the anthill. Then it is out in the open. They get the sword and then go down into the ant hill so that people can kill them before they camp the underground area. This looks good though. I would also reccomend putting small anthills on each base that have teleporters in the bottom of them to come out in the nearest part of their base so that there are multiple ways of getting into the hive. Good job with the map though.
  5. Etgamer114

    Etgamer114 Ancient
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    The queens room looks well to easy to camp and when people went into the hole the other team could just kill them straight away.other than that it looks good 7/10.
  6. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    well i promised i would download and im a person of my word so i will.

    first impressions before download:

    Very good map like last time. like the extra cover to make it easier to get into the ant hill.
    One problem that springs to mind and it has already been mentioned is the sword. move it to the main section of sandbox not the tunnels other than that nothing seems to spring to mind.
  7. UNSC Warden

    UNSC Warden Ancient
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    i think it would be better if the Bomb spawned in the queen's lair and the plant points where in the bases. it would just make it that the bomb was planted, then disarmed and planted in the other team's plant point, and then it blows up before the other team can even get to it. or am i misunderstanding?
  8. Next Wednesday

    Next Wednesday Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll move the sword, that's a good point. Maybe I'll just get rid of it all together...we'll see.

    I like the idea of having to fight your way down into the hive, so I'm not going to put tunnel entrances at the bases.

    Hectic, in answer to your question regarding the two flag spawns: One is the red flag, the other is the blue. The idea is you have to fight your way down to the flag room, then escape with the enemy flag and bring it back to the surface / your base.

    Keep the feedback coming, Im taking notes! And like i said earlier, If anyone wants to get a custom game going on The Hive, or knows of a good way to get one going, please let me know, or friend me on Live, my GT is the same as my FH name, Next Wednesday.
    Thanks Again,

    *EDIT* That's a good point as well, Warden. It makes sense for one bomb, but not two bomb. I need to tweak the one bomb setup. Would I be able to do that? (leave the two bomb plant points in the queens chamber, and move the one bomb plant points to the bases), Maybe the symmetrical/assymetric gametypes designation would allow me to fix this problem. I'll experiment.
    #8 Next Wednesday, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  9. iiTz LeW x UK x

    iiTz LeW x UK x Ancient
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    This map looks really good and fun to play, it looks really well forged and i must say,
    Ive got something like this built aswell, so i may post it also to compare :)

    Overall i rate this a 9/10, looks fun to play, well forged and a nice idea. Nice work.
  10. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    A very original map. Reminds of something my friend made. I'm afraid this is like the one of my friend's, so everybody gets down into the hive(?) and the surface becomes unnecessary. Anyhow nice map!

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