Yes, they're very quaint, and altogether I'm happy that you wish to greet new members so spiritedly and enthusiastically. But you really should avoid the whole, "Welcome to FH, {insert OP name here}, I hope you have a good time here, please show us your maps and remember to check out the rules here {a link}". Especially when it's just the same member posting this template all over the intro board. You can get posts in here, for some bizzare reason. So watch with the post count upping.
Welcome to FH, Nemihara, I hope you have a good time here, please show us your maps and remember to check out the rules Here
Yes, I like to post interesting welcomes, although if no one else has I'll feed in links. And why do posts count in here, anyway?
I provide posts to each new member to provide a welcome to the forums, as well as basic information. It's always great to be welcomed into a forum board, and when users provide useful links such as rules, good topics to check out, and other information, I feel even more at home. Whether or not the feeling is shared, I'll continue to welcome members with individually typed posts. The only generic part of my posts are the links personally, the rest I type out for each individual post by hand.
I post short posts for intros now because technically the template welcome post is as bad a spam as "nice map ill dl 5/5". We should start enforcing that really.