hey im back with a new map called 5 Relics, a relic is a secret or god like object that have power. but anyway, this map is for land grab i have only set it up for that so land grab. weapons 8 br 1 rocket 2 snipers 1 fuel rod 2 smg 2 spiker 12 plasma 2 stationary machine gun vechails 2 warthogs 2 ghosts here are some pictures oh yer there will be a v2 for this the bases are the same [/URL][/URL] [/URL][/URL]
looks cool but with minimal cover is it more of a vehicle map or also ppl runnin around it would also be helpfull if added something to the descrition besides the gun list
Not to sound like I'm ranting, please dont take it that way. Just want to give a few pointers. Add some cover. Interlock. Take more time on your maps : )