(CONTEST) Top 10 Screenshots of the Week! [WEEK 3] Description: Well, im going to take a shot at creating a kind of weekly video showing off the top 10 screenshots that are related to a specific theme, varying each week! After every week i will create a video, upload it to youtube, and embed it here for everyone to see. Rules: -Only 2 maximum entries per user, per theme, so choose your best -The posted screenshot must be YOURS, if i discover that it's not, then you will be disqualified permanently -The posted screenshot MUST be related to the theme of the week -Every week the contest will be open from Saturday, and the deadline will be Friday, the Video will be created and posted on YouTube each friday! Weekly Themes!: 5/9/09-5/14/09: Screenshots Including A Monitor:Winner Below Spoiler ...and the early winner is, "Duality" by Black Theorem 5/9/09-5/15/09: Screenshots including explosions Spoiler WATCH THE VIDEO FOR WEEK 1 HERE![/"]400 Bad Request 5/16/09-5/22/09: Warthogs Spoiler and the winner is....Show7yme, he obviously put in a lot of effort! 5/23/09-5/29/09: ODST's Spoiler the winner is bluepariot....i was apart of this =] 5/29/09-6/3/09: Snipers Spoiler video to come soon
Why did it have to be moniter screenshots? I have such better recon pictures. Oh well, here is my only moniter picture: Lost I know its not great but its my only one. If you want to see some of my better ones: Heroic Sealed Recon Unnamed
would luv to try but don't have xbox for the week and i haven't ever taken a monitor pic sry. but tell me how it turns out this has a lot of potential
....Why isn't this in screenshot discussion? I think it'd be better off there. P.S Lame theme= Lame thread
well i kinda created this in a hurry, do you think you could give me some suggestions on themes then? i didnt know what to choose
Change the current theme, start everything over, and make the new challenge start with Pictures with explosions. Then next week do Aethestaticly(spelled wrong : P) pleasing picture. Themes like these will get more GOOD pictures.
So you're saying everyone else screenshots suck, and that this theme sucks? Because that's what it sounds like. PS: Aesthetically
UPDATE! well since everyone hates this weeks theme, im going to end this week's competition now, and advance it to next weeks theme, which is "screenshots with explosions"! everyone post your screens and this new theme will last until next thursday, so i dont have to mess around with the dates and everything, so get to posting the new screens for the new theme!
Well, here are mine. Final Battle:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Action Hero:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details True Spartan:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details In the Flames:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Thats it, Enjoy!:happy:
Get absolutely owned everyone. Spoiler Spoiler Roflcopter, i shall win! Links ( ive had different names in the past, they all have dc in them though...: Firstpic Second pic
my 3 [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details