Looking for testers i will send description in pm if you want to help looking for 4-5 testers. Thanks. Testing will be tonight or before saturday.
I understand that you said that the map is a secret, but you could you at least give us some sort of indication as to what we may be testing? Is it competitive, casual, or a minigame? Is it on Foundry, Sandbox, or some other map? How many players is it designed to hold? Edit: Posting things like this when asking for help/testers will make people more inclined to help you. Also, this may be posted in the wrong section, so if a mod could confirm this, it would be appreciated.
Ok, its going to be competive for mlg its will hold 4-10 people. Its one Sandbox Anything else you need.
I didn't intend to compromise your secrecy, I just wanted to help get you testers who understand what to look for and understand what they may be testing. Sorry, but I don't have any other questions at this time, if that is any condolence.
This should be posted in the TRC guild in the Testing sub-forum. There you will easily be able to find testers.
Ummm, more specific please? I can't test it tonight, but between tomorrow and Friday after noon I can test it. GT in sig.
Testers Guild - Forge Hub Halo Forums Might I also show this to you if you havn't seen it yet. Its the testers guild. If you post there, skilled testers will sign up to test your map and then will write a little review on it. Be sure to read the stickies on the proper way to post a thread there as well.
Before i can do testing i need someone to help with walls surronding the base. If you want to help add me abr br3w3r
I find it funny that brewer makes a test forum in the wrong place with no information at all and gets more testers then I do when I post correctly in the right spot. Oh well..maybe there's something to the "secret" part of it all
Map preview has a 45% chance of being released tommorow. Everytime we get something done we change it now we are just finallizing some stuff on the first base after thats all done we can finish blue base. 45% Chance of a preview tommorow 65% Chance of a preview Sunday 85% Chance of a preview on Monday After preview testing map will undergo major technical and scenary changes. Also looking for: Someone to make 3 pyramids for center of map Will be updating list as release gets closer. But once we get the 3 pyramids map should be ready for preview release So just leave a message with your GT and i will add you.
Map delayed till this weekend saturday map has undergone major improvments but i still need someone to build 3 pyramids
And that is where he went wrong, I'm not speaking for all of them but most non-testers are not used to the requirements of testing- being there actually playing giving helpful advice knowing what they are talking about I pity the fool.