Forge hub's maps of legend

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SVV33T SAUC3, May 13, 2009.

  1. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Hello to everyone reading this. I am here to inform you of the great maps of Forgehub. What is Forgehub? Forgehub is a community. It is a place of business. It is a place of discussion. It is a place of recreation. Forgehub is many things. It has been in exsistance for a long time and has developed and expanded greatly since. Forgehub's community is well crafted, but is also corrupt. Forgehub has been brought down by unworthy mods. It has been crushed by idiocy in the forums. It has been torn apart by spam from its original state of peace. The new Forgehub is corrupt, but people like me and many others have tried very hard to hault this destruction. Many of the readers wish to make Forgehub perfect, but that is impossible. For Forgehub to be perfect, all of its maps would need to be perfect. As Forgehub's community has changed, so have its maps. Much of the maps consist of uneven gameplay, too many power weapons, and many other things that make maps bad. But, gems can be found in the clutter of all of the bad maps. Great maps shine through the darkness. Some stronger than others. And I'm here to reveal these maps to you. I wan't the readers of this to know that aesthetics aren't important for a maps success. They are a secondary thing; gameplay is the first and foremost part of a good map. So, if you don't see a map that you think deserves to be in here, it is probably because you thought it was worthy because of the aesthetics, or I have yet to discover it. If you think it is worthy of this list and me and my teams review, reply to this telling me what the map is, a link to the Forgehub post, and a reason why you think it belongs here. Me and my team will consider it and decide whether we put it here or not. I know I'm not very well known, but I've traveled across the land of Forgehub, and I've met many people and gathered up my knowledge. I know what makes a map good. I'm relativly new to the Testers Guild, but I used to be at Phreakie's side for a long time unofficially testing. I've learned the ways of Forgehub from Vorpal Saint. I've been tought to forge well by Bl00d F1r3. I am not new to forge nor bad at it. I have met many people who don't understand the things that I understand some being my closest friends. People that are decieved by a maps aesthetic value and assume it is good. So, I am inviting four other people to join me at my side to find these hidden maps I've spoken of. I know I said "My team" even though I have yet to have one, I will soon enough. Just PM me to join the team, but you have to tell me what a good forge map is made of and how to make one correctly. You will also need to inform me if your a member of the Testers Guild. I want the meaning of a good forge map. Remember, maps can't be perfect. Just send me a message if you think your worthy to be in my team of five. Heres my team so far.​
    The Team:​
    SVV33T SAUC3
    I have also decided to call my team Team Liberate.
    Liberate means "To free". We are going to free the maps that deserve it from the clutter of spam and maps that just don't cut it. The gems of Forgehub will shine above everything else with the help of Team Liberate. We will all test and suggest all types of maps, we will discuss and debate whether which maps belong on the list, and then we will decide. I will have different sections in this post for different types of maps. Once again, if you think any maps deserve to be on our list, tell us. You may also notice that many featured maps are on the list. That is because maps get featured for fantastic gameplay. Here's a list of what I have so far (they're all links). I will add to the list as soon as possible. I will also keep it updated frequently once the team is assembled. Remember, you can suggest a map, but our team has the final decision. Also, no suggesting your own map. And, only maps from the mythic map pack's release and forward in time will be included in this list. I like to stay up to date and if it's old, then most people have probably already seen it. I will divide them up into different categories at a later time. This is what I've decided on so far.​
    The City V2- Something.
    Back Burner-Shaddo Blade
    Utah Mambo- Cosmic Rick
    Porcupine- geranamo

    If one of the team members maps is put on the list, it will have been just as fair and as proffesional of a decision as any other map. Also, if some of the readers demand it. This is a place that you go to in search of good maps to play on. I will also have an update list at the bottom for every week with dates so you know when what gets on our list. Please don't clutter the replies with "I'm glad someone did this, it's a good idea." comments. Those spots are there for people to ask for maps to get on the list. Heres the updates:

    Maps Added​







    Now, the reason I'm trying to reveal the good from the bad is because the constant spam sucks the best maps down the drain to the fourth or fifth page within an hour. It is almost completely unexistant to Forgehub. All of the bad maps and spam just wash the maps that people actually tried hard on and have good gameplay away. I'm very tired and irritated from this pattern constantly happenening. I hardly ever see featured maps before their features and I practically live in Forgehub. The last map I saw before its feature was Back Burner, but before that was Moon Waffle which I'm sure some of you don't even know what that is. Me and the team are going to search for these expertly crafted maps and to let them out into the open where they can't be washed away with spam. That place is here. Thankyou for reading this and check back frequently for updates.
  2. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Either this is A) spam without authority and respect for authority, or B) a misinformed attempt at making a system that has already been set up. So, you want to free the maps that you think are epic and or feature-worthy. There is a thread for this. It is right here. Now, I understand full well that maps usually are lost from the front page in a short amount of time, but this is sort of unwarranted. The feature suggestion thread is built for such a purpose. If some random joe blow finds a map that he thinks is feature-worthy, then he will probably post a link to it in the thread. Boom, feature and everyone is happy. The staff may be corrupt, as I wouldn't have any proof either way, but that still doesn't give you the right to blame them and say that the maps they feature are all already drafted to be featured before final completion. The staff have a good system, so utilize it. Backburner and Utah Mambo were both featured already, and at least one of Something's maps is currently being recommended frequently in the suggestion thread. Also, You can't really say that your own team won't become corrupt as well. You have set up some firewalls to prevent this, but there is nothing here that I see that says members cant simply 'liberate' each others' maps. A member of the team could also just ask someone who is their friend on the site to post their map for them. I am not saying that these things will definitely happen, but they are just loopholes in the plan. As for spam and such, the suggestion thread is there to allow people to point out maps that are lost in the spam pools that truly deserve mention.

    Pars secunda:
    A good map above all needs a good layout. If you just have two bases and a single bridge between them (with the exception of Conquest), then chances are gameplay won't be anything too special. Good layouts are characterized by frequent and varied changes in elevation, good Line-of-Sight management and planning, strategic placement of power weapons and important positions as per Risk-versus-Reward, encouraging (promoting movement) and interesting map flow, and balance through the planning of bases, transitions, spawn areas, and weapon layout. All places on a map should be accessible from multiple other key points on the map through multiple routes and/or methods, such that a single area is never isolated nor campable. Aesthetics aren't necessary to map success, but they do serve a purpose: location identification. Even the blue and red lights/columns on a map are considered aesthetics, even if used as cover, and allow players to easily identify where they are and how to get to where they want/need to be. Good geometry is also important. Having unique structures and base designs immediately sets your map apart from the rest by generating interest and interesting gameplay. By having a good layout, unique and varied geometry, and easily recognizable visual cues, one can almost guarantee that a map will be worthy of recognition, even if it is only in the form of good reviews and praise.

    #2 Cerberus Beast, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    I am fully aware that my plan has loopholes. What plan doesn't? Also, as a reply to you saying a friend asks a member of the team to put his map on the thread, he doesn't just put it on. The team decides after much testing whether it's worthy or not. We don't decide as friends either, we decide as people with honest opinions. Also, I wasn't implying that the staff was corrupt in its current state. I was implying it has previously been corrupt. Example: Dragoncoals. Long ago, he went around the forums breaking the rules of Forgehub while no one else was aloud to. On top of that, the do you want a map featured thread is for suggesting a maps feature. Not looking for maps to download and play on. And even if you do look for maps there, it isn't legit. Many map posts at the botto mhave a link to that thread and a little thing that says "Help get my map featured!" and if someone just remotly likes the map, they'll probably help the guy out. Also, I know Utah Mambo got featured. I was just putting it up there. I don't see how that was a problem. Thanks for reading.
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Forewarning, you're going to have problems finding a team of people to completely agree on what you personally feel are gems. As well, you are going to have trouble convincing everyone else they're gems. For instance, I'm not overly fond of your list lol.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    So I think that these different maps are better than the rest of FH's, so I'm going to organize a team of people who agree with me and I'll make a team; I'll call my team 'Team Emancipation', because I want the group to emancipate the maps that I believe more worthy from the rest of the maps that I think aren't as worthy, and should be cast aside because I feel that my opinions, unproven to the casual observer, are given some sort of higher elitist authority. Obviously my opinion is better than anyone else's. I've learned the ways of the Forge from my master Yoda, who geomerged an X-Wing into a swamp in front of my very own eyes! And so he taught me how to master my Forge-sensitivity. In fact, I have my own religion now. It's called Forgian. Anyone who doesn't follow the edicts that I have written about Forgian is a heathen whose maps suck.

    So let's look at this map here. Hm...Blastron? An MLG map with randomly-placed-interlocked-blocks-of no-real-significance? MY FORGING SENSE IS TINGLING!!! THIS MAP IS AWESOME! I LOVE MLG! AMAZING! 5/5 COMPLETELY PERFECT! FORGE FAIRY LOVES YOU! IF YOU DON'T LIKE PLAYING THIS MAP THEN OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A GOOD FORGE MAP IS!


    I want four other people to join my team, because my overly snobbish opinions aren't enough to enforce this horrid plan of mine.

    Here's my team list:

    tldr, COOL IDEA BRO

    And do you even know who DQ is?

    Anyways, Cerberus Beast basically just said everything I could have said in a nicer fashion. But I think this conveys the message better.
    #5 Nemihara, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  6. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    Nemi i love you.. in a non gay way but i love you the most that i possibly can and still be called straight.

    In fact i might just quote this in my sig..

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