Sandbox SunDown v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TFx KiLl3r, May 13, 2009.

  1. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    SunDown v2

    There was once a small organisation who worked and were based high in the sky. There was one unusual thing there was a constant sunset. So the organisation named there headquaters Sundown and during the war their rations of food ran low and eventually everyone living staved. However, explorers recovered the seen and have now got it up and running again.

    SunDown is an assymetrical map. It is fairly well armed with a few power weapons and multiple battle rifles and grenades. In the map there is a great variety of long corridors to open spaces to fairly cramped spaces, these provide great gameplay aswell as the use for different types of battles; long battle rifling or close combat shotgunning. This map is set up for the best of capture the flag, team slayer, FFA and oddball.

    This map is a version 2 because I had the first version on my xbox for quite a long time and this version has been touched up to make neat and cleanly interlocked areas. I have also changed the weapons and added oddball into the available gametypes.

    [quote/]I love this map, aswell as being well forged and well executed i love the gameplay that the map provides. Top marks 5/5![/quote]

    [quote/] This map is awsome, the floor of tin cups just blew me away, so neat! I love it! However one problem with this would be your use of walls as floors although you did tell me that you did not know and it was too late to change, but otherwise insane! 4.5/5. [/quote]

    As one of the quotes states this was one of my first maps on sandbox and so i was not fully aware of the "wall as floor" glitch, otherwise it is very neat and hopefully in those parts it is not too bumpy!

    2x Sniper
    2x SMG
    1x Needler
    4x Battle Rifle
    1x Assault Rifle
    2x Brute Shot
    1x Shotgun
    2x Spiker

    1x Bubble shield
    1x Regeneration
    1x Power drain
    5x Frag grenade
    4x Plasma grenade

    Improvments/ Testing
    After playing on the map with every gametype with friends we found that every gametype was fun to play on especially FFA, I would recommend atleast 2v2 to 4v4. It is a bit too big for 1v1. FFA in a big party of 8 is extremely fun, and all of my friends thought so too.

    As the map goes it is completely unbreakable and holds little bumps other than some walls on the floor.


    [​IMG][/URL]One side of the map with a wooden bridge floor and the sniper spawn. (Red room)

    [​IMG][/URL]To the right of the red room. Brute shot and plasma grenade spawn.

    [​IMG][/URL]Tin cup flooring and battle rifle spawn and capture the flag spawn on scaffoding.

    [​IMG][/URL]The long corridor with sniper spawn. There is the tin cup room on the left and on the right another room.

    [​IMG][/URL]The shotgun spawn

    [​IMG][/URL]The blue room

    [​IMG][/URL]Second flag spawn on scaffolding and bubble shield.

    [​IMG][/URL]Brute shot under scaffodling.

    [​IMG][/URL]Route up to red room

    [​IMG][/URL]A nice view and camping spot, well theres nothing there.

    Well there we have it! All contructive critisism, positive or negative is welcome! Please rate, comment and download.

    Download Here
  2. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    You might want to reconside down-sizing your signature.

    Is the brute-shot interlocked? I mean, as it is in your picture is pretty amazing.
    I've never seen that.
    Regarding the camping spot... Well, I don't know if it works. I guess seeing as you have to jump to get in, there's nothing there, and you can easily fall off it might be somewhat fair, if there's a grav. hammer on the map - although I believe one might un-balance the map.

    Enqueued for download - I'll tell you how it plays soon. Maybe even tomorrow. I'll write it down, then I won't forget it.

    Played (1 vs 1) and it was pretty good, although there are some things that are severly in need of change.
    With 1 on 1, the shotgun was immensely overpowering, with more people this may be different, but seeing as it is a fairly small map, I suggest giving it less ammo.
    I have no further issues with the weapon layout, though.

    Now, on to your map.
    A big issue was this hallway:
    You severely need to put something smoother there, like a ramp or a diagonally merged stone bridge.
    As it is now, you need to jump (or even jump twice) to get to the corridor - it'd be better if that was changed.

    This staircase:
    You need to walk all the way up, and then you have a small stroke to walk on - or you have to jump.
    I don't really have a big issue with this one, just thought I'd point it out.

    This spot, I don't like.
    If you fall there, you 'float'. Meaning your character is falling, whilst actually stuck between that block there and the obelisk.
    So you can't jump and get back up, you need to crouch first and then jump up the flat block, and then up the double block.
    So it's quite an annoying spot to find yourself in during the middle of a hectic fight - you become an incredibly easy target for grenades and simply gunfire too.

    And now the biggest issue I had with your map:
    You can jump on top of the walls, or, well, 'escape'.
    Either blend that into the map, so Sundown has another floor, or lock it off better. Being up there gives you an incredibly unfair advantage over the others.

    I suggest making a V3, because even though there's quite a bit wrong with the map, it's core design is fantastic. :3

    Just a screenshot I made on your map. Thought it was nice enough to post.
    #2 Spirit798, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  3. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you are saying but that spot was mearly put there as a joke. I think it would be a bad thing if there was a weapon there because i personally dislike camping in map varients. Yes the brute shot is geomerged and you can still pick it up. Thanks
  4. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    It's an okay map. I give it a 3/5.

    It's neatly forged and a little open but there's a major flaw. It took me only a quick glance for me to figure out how to escape it, giving me a whole view of the map, with cover. (Also it has a ledge along the outside you can travel around.)

    I can show you a video if you want me to, to show you how to fix it.
  5. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where exactly?? I have tested this map with a friend to make sure it was unbreakable so could you explain where you think you can get out?And "a little open" are you crazy? how is this map open apart from one long corridor. Dude explain yourself in your posts.
    #5 TFx KiLl3r, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  6. abc geek

    abc geek Ancient
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    looks good... looks like you put about 20 hours into it and its neatly forged and it looks to have great gameplay. you got my dl. will edit this later once i check it out.
    4/5 right now
  7. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, yes i did put a lot f time into this, nto sure exactly how long though. But thanks for the comment!
  8. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    your map looks as sexy as your post. I'm gonna download this for some customs, what gametypes would you recommend?
  9. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Haha cheers, get a party of about 6-8 and do FFA it soo fun or 4v4 capture the flag, those are my favourites!
  10. will2715

    will2715 Ancient
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    I love this map soo much. Wanted to dl and try before i commented. Great map I played with 3 guests on 2v2 capture the flag, even though its not the recommended gametype apparently it was still a amazing. Im woandering what 8 players FFA would be like! Anyways 4.5/5, loved it. However, i agree with spirit as you oculd touch up some parts but otherwise great map.
  11. kingplayer

    kingplayer Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, taking into account what spirit said i think some changes are needed but nevertheless still looks good. I like the brute shot aswell, looks neatly interlocked. I would suggest not using walls for the floor aswell, btu regarding what you said seems like it was too late. 4/5
  12. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
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    I'm writing to say pretty much what has already been said, I enjoyed dl'lig and playing with friends and i think the weapons are just right for the map, except the 2 snipers i dont believe that they were needed on a medium sized level but i did get some no-scope practise in! 4.7/5

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