The Magic Number: 365. Is it universal?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a dumb cat, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello everyone,

    Nothing spoils a map more than running into your budget limit...

    Wait, we fixed that with the Money glitch.

    Nothing spoils a map more than running into the max item limit...

    Yeah, that's right.

    I went through the trouble of investigating what the maximum number of items you can place on a Forged map. I did this on Foundry, and was capped at 365.

    My first attempt had me maxed out at 231, and for some reason when I S&Q the map and came back, I was able to create and place more items. 134 items later, I came to the larger number of 365. I don't know how I was able to break through this first cap, but I did.

    If anyone else would like to prove my findings on Foundry or discover the item limits on other maps (I'm sure they are different), please post here. I will update the OP with the findings.

    A few guidelines:

    1. Start with a standard canvas map. The FMGC map is fine, but make sure to delete all items from the map except for objective items

    2. IMPORTANT! When counting items, you must include in your count the objective items. CTF has 4 objective items (Defender flag and cap items, and Attacking flag and cap items = 4 items), Assault has 5 items, VIP has 1, etc. These are the minimum number of items for each gametype required and should thus be included in your count.

    3. Its easiest to start with respawn points. Its an easy 100 items towards the max. Use items with high maximums so its easier to count them when you do reach the limit.

    Report you findings here and then we can see if we can break those limits for larger and more complex maps in the future. Us forgers can really benefit from this if we can get these numbers documented.

    Thank you,


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Foundry = 365 ~ (needs verification)
    Rat's Nest = 305 ~ contributed by "Dans ego" (needs verification)
    Standoff = ?

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Interesting. It seems credible. I'll be sure to try this later.
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Hmm that is Ironic because there is 365 days in one year...
  4. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I found that strange as well...

    First cap was 231 including all objective items, then I was allowed to place more and was capped at 365.

    Also, I'm sure the max item limits are different for every map.

  5. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Gravdigger5454 posted a thread a while back reguarding beating the limit where what you do is place items where you almost get to or hit the item limit, delete something, then S&Q and come back and youll be able to place more.

    In a map i recently made (the erratic, its in my signature in the blue) i used that trick to amazing sucess, but eventually it completely stopped working. That may be what you are talking about.
  6. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Do you remember how many items you placed? No?

    You see, that's what I'm trying to resolve with a thread like this. If we can get one person to test this on a map and another to confirm, we will have our results in no time.

  7. Gavin

    Gavin Ancient
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    how is that ironic?
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    remember this is forge hub, we think a little differently around here
  9. Commander_Ocy

    Commander_Ocy Ancient
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    Interesting. I think I'll try this out when I get home. I'll do it on Rat's Nest.
  10. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I know this isn't a fun thing to do, but it will help all of us in the long run. I've been so busy at work that I don't get home until late and just want to sleep! I should have more time to hop on Live this week, though.

  11. Dans ego

    Dans ego Ancient
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    I came across a similar situation to this on rats nest but i still had $190 left in my budget.

    Even if every item i had placed only cost $2 the highest number of items i could have had was 305. I know for a fact i had used many more expensive items, i had a tank and a flame thrower for starters.

    Saving and quitting did nothing to help the situation.
  12. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Yes, budget and item limits are two separate entities that operate independently.

    If you reach your budget limit, you cannot create anything more (except for object that cost $0).

    If you reach your item limit, you cannot create anything, period.

    We are trying to find out the latter, and thanks to Dan we are on our way. Please keep in mind that we need to verify each of these number with AT LEAST one other tester, so please feel free to add your findings to Foundry and Rat's Nest.

    Thanks again,

  13. icebubba2005

    icebubba2005 Ancient
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    nice post. I will deffinately have to try that a bit later. That prob will come in use later on.
  14. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Where is there an explanation saying clearly how to do this? Could help with my map on Sandtrap
  15. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If there is something that is not clear in the first post where I explain how to do this, please post your question here or PM me. I will answer your Q right away.


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