Vote your favorite competitive map! My favorite is... (drum roll) Coventry by makisupa007! For its originality, aesthetic details, and spot-on forging and gameplay. The map you vote for can be on any map and from any time. The map doesn't have to be featured either (Coventry should get a feature shouldn't it? RULES: -You must include a download link -You really shouldn't vote for a map of your own -It must be a competitive map in the COMPETITIVE MAPS SECTION!
You put this in the wrong spot. I'm pretty sure it needs to be in one of the discussion forums. Please no one else post about it being in the wrong spot. P.S. if it get moved I might put my favorite, if I think of one
I think this might be better suited in another forum like Halo Forge Maps - Forge Hub Halo Forums or Halo Forge Discussion - Forge Hub Halo Forums Although my vote goes for: Sacrifice by Paranoia UK II