Sandbox Temple O Raj

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CostlyBus, May 12, 2009.

  1. CostlyBus

    CostlyBus Ancient
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    Well here is my first post and my first *attempt* at making a playable forge map so I hope you enjoy it, I certainly did when making it.

    First, a little back story to the whole idea of the map and where it came from, feel free to skip down to Overview if this isn't your thing, if it is then read on!

    Back Story

    For thousands of years a battle scarred people lived in constant fear of complete destruction from frequent meteor showers which varied greatly in size and had, in the past wiped out whole continents. Then the ancients, fresh from their endeavours in the construction of their mysterious Halo’s and brought with them their technology. In a stunning feat of engineering they managed to capture a small meteor and using their advanced technology altered it so that it resembled the sun. A temple was then constructed to house this “fallen star” which in a manner of speaking still stands today. The Local inhabitants named the construction the Temple Of Raj after one of their gods (loosely based on Egyptians Sun God).

    Such fabulous technology did not escape notice for long and two powerful factions comprised of both UNSC and Covenant troops have landed and now fight for possession of the temple and the secrets it posses the resulting conflict left the once fertile landscape pock-marked with craters and two factions deeply entrenched within the valley, the once great temple is now reduced to a crumbling relic with only a modicum of its original glory remaining intact.


    The Temple O Raj


    A closeup of the two bases based on a rocket design as seen on forge

    On either side of the main structure are two alley-way type area's with a machine gun and plasma cannon covering the centre pathway

    Plasma Cannon, with shield preventing all non-explosives from damageing the turret operator.


    Ramp leading up to the Plasma Cannon emplacement


    The business end of the machine Gun emplacement

    Both gun emplacement's have a corresponding structure opposite with brute shot's to counter excessive turret useage.


    3-way corner structure with weapons and a trip mine placed in and around it.


    Entrance to the temple


    Top floor of the temple boasts an oversheild and a Fuel Rod gun


    Weapon List

    Battle Rifle-5
    Assault Rifle-3
    Energy Sword-2
    Fuel Rod Gun-1
    Gravity Hammer-1
    Flame Thrower-1
    Missile Pod-1
    Rocket Launcher-2
    Brute Shot-2
    Plasma Pistol-2
    Plasma Rifle 2
    Covenant Carbine-3
    Machine Gun-1
    Plasma Cannon-1

    Equipment List

    Frag Grenades-2
    Plasma Grenades-2
    Stick Grenades-4

    Bubble Shield-1
    Power Drain-1
    Deployable Cover-2
    Trip Mine-1
    Radar Jammer-1

    Active Camo-1

    Vehicle List


    Additional Information

    -Recommended for 6-12 players and works best with team slayer and multi-flag game types.
    -Snipers and Spartan lasers were excluded on purpose to prevent camping as much as possible
    -Was created by 2 Co-op forge by Costlybus + Guest
    -If you find the Flame-Thrower you get a cookie

    Thanks for reading and please constructive criticism only, oh and before i forget

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  2. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty sweet from the pictures, some of the blocks look a little slopy but thats about it
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map for your first post. Looks well forged, so that's a plus... and you get a cookie for a properly posted map.

    Originality - seems okay. Temples in the middle are very common on sandbox. I personally have never seen structures like your second image.

    Aesthetics - appears that you placed your pieces with some care. Don't see much, if any, merging. Don't know if you were trying to make it somewhat symmetrical or not, but in the 2nd image, the blue base is clearly one grid further away from the middle structure than the red base. I also notice a few pieces misaligned, like the arches. I don't know about anyone else, but it always gnaws away at me when I see pieces like that.

    Game play - not much to say. it's your basic game types.

    Improvements - I don't know about everyone else, but there seems to be an overabundance of weapons on the map based on your weapons list. When it comes to slayer games, I find that more does not mean better. Fewer weapons means that people will tend to fight for those weapons or at least head towards them more frequently.

    The turret structure with three arches... I'd merge that top piece into the other two so you can get that golden inside to look like one continuous piece.

    Other than that, it appears like you did a decent job overall for your first post.
  4. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    Looks good from the pictures, layout of buildings is nice and I love the idea of the semi-protection of the turrets. The two corner bases are very well done also. Would have liked to see more interior temple pictures though, considering that's the focal point of your map. I give it a 9/10 for now until I play it, I may change to a 10 afterwards.
  5. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    the weapons, based on the list look too overpowering. there are too many powerful weapons. to tell you the truth, i think the more power weapons, the funner, but everyone else mostly perfers a map with only one or two power weapons.

    kudos for posting your map properly.
    nice map by the way.
    u got a dwnld from me.
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I agree with this. It is a nice first post and you got everything right which is unusual so happy face! Looks a little sloppy but not beyond fixing. I think you should include some more merging/interlocking. I think i noticed 1 picture with any. I might be mistaken but thats what i saw. I think you should make a little cleaner v2 but not bad. not bad. this guy ^^^ pretty much summed it up.
  7. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like how this map plays. i like your style forger, piticularly the way u made steps and ramps. anywho i was wondering if you rgoing to make a v2 with more stuff?
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Other than the overabundance of power weapons, and some neatness issues, I would rate this map quite highly. You generally shouldn't take pictures in forge mode, and why may I ask are you spawn points on the walls. I like the structure of your sniper towers, and the center piece is cool, but it's been done.
  9. Willrus

    Willrus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the srtuctures you've used in this map. It seems mostly orginal, with the excepton of the middle temple buildng, but seeing as it's a temple map that is completely reasonable. It does look a little sloppy, with a very small amount of interlocking, whch you may want to change. But if it plays well, the aesthetcs dont matter all too much. Overall i thnk the map looks pretty good.
  10. CostlyBus

    CostlyBus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thanks for all the feedback i'll try and sift through this as well as i can.

    Weapons-Regarding the rather overpowering weapon placement, i tried to find a balance for the larger teams without placing to many power weapons to have 1 pr0 l33t pl4yer just owning everyone but in V2 i will tune down them abit i'm thinking remove some of the dual wields?

    With regards to the neatness issuses i have tried to make it as playable as possible even if the Aesthetics have been neglected somewhat, this will definatly change in V2.

    Not to familar with many maps on sandbox but as a temple seems to be common place i'll try and mix it up a little in V2 possibly stand it on its head?

    Has anyone tested this with a large group say 8+ people? i'd really like to have some feedback on wether the vehicles are worth it, orginally had to ghosts on each side of the temple but removed then to clear up the turrets line of fire.

    One last thing, can anyone provide me a link to a basic merging post on here? i understand the whole interlocking thing but have only found an advanced merging post.

    Once again thanks for the quick and detailed responses and the DL, yay!

    Edit: Didn't see that last point about spawn points, they are actaully floating in all 4 bases causing you to drop directly down into the lower section, i wanted to try something different from convential spawn sites.
    #10 CostlyBus, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009

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