Money glitch Problems

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ch3ds chup, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Ch3ds chup

    Ch3ds chup Ancient
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    hey just wondering if anybody else out there is having problems with the unlimited budget glitch... like it not alowing u to use certain objects even though u still have them left... and if so how do u go about fixing this so u still can use them?

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    what does the error say ?
    u might have too many objects on the map
  3. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I share this problem. I think it is caused by hitting the item limit, and then deleting items, once you place the full amount of an object allowed, any you delete you will not get back. I'm pretty sure I haven't done this though, and its pretty annoying.

    Can someone else confirm this?
  4. Ch3ds chup

    Ch3ds chup Ancient
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    ya le610n x that's exactly what i'm talking about... does anybody no if there's a solution to this problem?
  5. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    i think you just need to save the map then restart it and it should be good unless you deleted the main item which means you will never get the item back
  6. Ch3ds chup

    Ch3ds chup Ancient
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    ya that's not it either... i tried that and it didn't work... and i didn't delete the main object...

    anybody think they no how to fix this?
  7. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    There are two problems this could be. One is caused by deleting the last object or a single type placed on the map or by placing all of the items and then deleting one of them. It breaks the glitch. That's what the Mallet is suggesting.

    There's another problem I've run into where I wasn't able to place my last two open boxes for seemingly no reason at all. All I had to do was end the round and start a new one (I didn't risk saving it first). The problem fixed itself. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again when I'm paying less attention.

    So, if it's the first problem... don't do those two things.

    If it's the second, I don't think anybody can help you. [/pessimism]
  8. Ch3ds chup

    Ch3ds chup Ancient
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    actually beleive it or not its not either of them...

    any other sugestions?
  9. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Everything that i have ever read about the unlimited money glitch is that:
    1. After you have placed so many objects of any kind, even spawn points, the map simply can't handle you placing any more items on it.

    2. lets say you start with 20 double boxes. You place all nineteen of them. as long as you have 1 double box still in your inventory, you can delete the others already placed as you please. BUT if you place that final box and your inventory is at 0, you must not EVER delete ANY of the double boxes. Once you run something to 0 you can never place another one of those objects even if you delete all 20 double boxes, you can never put another one down.

    SO i never ever place all of the double boxes i have. I keep one in the inventory so that if i accidentally delete one, my entire map isn't ruined by an accidental save, or that wierd ass "start new round/Game over"glitch that has happened to me.

    So moral of the story is, there is nothing you can do about it. Like i said, i accidentally deleted a precislely placed and interlocked double box after i had all of them placed. When i went to just put it back and found i couldn't i was pissed and it ruined a 5 hour chunk of work i had put in to the map. After that happens once and you have to start all over on a map that was almost done, you learn not to do it again.

    This has happened to me before rick. i could still place weapons and other small scenery objects, but i couldn't place my final single box open or my final single box. I just decided that was that and gave up but the next day (after i had saved and quit) i went to finish some other work on the map and i could place em!

    Does anyone know exactly how many items (of all types every category) you can place in Foundry? i'd be interested to see because i hit the item limit on nearly every map i have made
  10. ChUcK_NoIZIZiS

    ChUcK_NoIZIZiS Ancient
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    I hate it when something like the above happens. I also hate it when I go to move some stupid object, and then I accidentally grab the perfectly interlocked floor on the second story of a building and ruin it. I generally have to set a BUNCH of do not spawn at start settings on objects and redo, but sometimes it gets worse than that.
  11. Commander_Ocy

    Commander_Ocy Ancient
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    I've never run out of budget in Forge, so I've never had to use the budget glitch. I'm sure whatever your problem is, it's already been outlined here. I hope you get it fixed soon.
  12. winRdie

    winRdie Ancient
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    I have had the same problem. I was able to delete items i did not need and replaced them with items i still had in stock.

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