Sandbox Over 9000!!!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by I Shadowsth I, May 12, 2009.

  1. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    It's about time I got off my lazy ass and decided to post this game type

    Welcome one and all to my little side project! I worked on this about a month ago but decided not to post it until now for reasons unknown. Thanks to the power of Sandbox, new and interesting game types have been popping up. This is my interesting and unusual game type that takes an internet meme and turns it into a 12-16 player boss battle for Halo 3.

    However Over 9000!!! is not just an ordinary Zombie game. Let me explain how this game type works.


    For the humans (or sayians, nameks, whatever race you want to call them), their job is to eliminate the super villain (a.k.a the zombie) and prevent him from destroying the world. For the super villain, his role is to destroy everything in his path and become ruler of the universe. Sounds simple but regardless if you're the humans or the super villain, it's not. Let me explain this in more detail.


    In Over 9000!!! (and the Dragonball series for that matter), the gameplay revolves around speed. It all comes down to how quickly the super villain can defeat the humans, and how much damage the humans can inflict on the super villain before eventually killing him. Any mistake or slight error can cost one side the round. The game itself is 5 rounds long, and like any infection game, the super villain is chosen at random.

    As for the game itself let's look at the arena you'll be fighting on:

    9000 Arena


    This is actually a really simple map and to tell you the truth it only took me an hour to make it and little interlocking was used. However it gets the job done and is perfect for this game type (after all boss battles in most games is just one big large room anyways). Depending on how popular this game type gets will determine if I will make more maps for this. However all the maps will have the same traits: Wipe open arena, a "cheat" proof system, and no cover.

    With the exception of the plasma pistol and spartan laser, most of the games weapons are here, it's just a matter of which weapon you plan on using to attack the super villain with and I will get to that later. First let's simulate how a round goes:

    Let the battle begin!


    The round begins with the humans spawning on the arena ready to fight. Each human starts with a BR primary and AR secondary. Weapons are scattered all over the arena giving you more options to attack the super villain. However they only have a few seconds to get ready before......


    ....the arrival of the SUPER VILLAIN!!! This guy is a meat shield and wields a massive freakin laser ready to shoop da woop your ass into the next dimension. Plus his power level is over 9000!


    Just like in any Halo 3 game, a direct hit from the laser will kill you and eliminate you from the round (hopefully you're not the poor sap who is first targeted when he arrives).


    On paper, it looks unfair. The humans can only do 25% damage while the super villain has 2000% damage resistance and 4x Overshields. Plus if you die, you don't respawn. However I didn't leave the humans hanging. Humans do have infinite ammo and speed has been increased from 100% to 125%. Also the super villain is always in the center of the map and can barely move due to his 25% speed, 200% gravity, and the fact he's on a really small platform minimizing his movement even more. Plus there's a kill bill hanging right over his platform meaning if he falls off, he falls to his death. Like I said earlier, the slightest error can cost one side the match.

    Not only that, but the humans also have various items to combat the super villain:


    Flares are an excellent way to blind the super villain even if it's only for a few seconds.


    However if you manage to land the flare on the platform. The effects will last longer, giving the humans more time to weaken him. Another "blinding" item is the firebombs. A direct hit will engulf him in flames and slowly but surely deplete his shields. However it's going to take a lot more firebombs to finish him off.

    Defensive items are also available. Bubble shields are a valuable asset to have and will provide humans the only cover in the game. On top of that two "active camos" are available 60 seconds after the round begins.


    However the biggest and sometimes most game changing powerup will appear well into the round. Upon picking up this ball of golden energy:


    The player becomes a super saiyan. For the next 10 seconds, the player will have 200% damage, 200% speed, invulnerable to attacks, and the player's armor turns gold. If you manage to get this powerup, your best bet is to stay put and put as much damage as you can on him for at least 8 seconds seeing you now have the strength of 8 players. However once the 10 seconds is up, you will revert back to your normal status and be vulnerable once again.


    In rounds where the supervillain is sucessful at killing everyone off except one person. The last man will experience a transformation much like this one (well not really) and becomes a permanent super saiyan for the rest of the match.


    This super saiyan is much different than the powerup version. He has 300% damage, 200% speed, and 50% gravity (which means he can somewhat fly).


    On the flipside, this super saiyan can take damage, and 2 direct shots can kill him. However these shots need to be quick as the super sayian has a 50% leech ability that will aid him in recovering his shields. How fast they recover depends on the weapon he wields.

    If the round gets to this point, there's only two outcomes:


    The world is saved.


    The world is doomed.

    Note: If you become the last man, remember you have low gravity. So watch where you jump or you might jump off the map.

    Cheat Proof system:

    To keep this game honest. I made it where inactive players will not hurt the game and players themselves can't assassinate the super villain. Everyone except the last man super saiyan has high gravity. This not only prevents assassinations, but also prevents the super villain from jumping off his platform and beating down everyone. The second part of this cheat proof system lies below in the crypt:


    The super villain will spawn here, and much reach this teleporter to combat the humans. You have 30 seconds to reach this teleporter which is simple enough due to the fact it only takes 5-10 seconds for an active player to reach this teleporter.


    After 30 seconds, killballs engulf the room, killing the player (if he's there) and ending the round.


    At least 12 players is REQUIRED to play this game type. The more the merrier.

    Link to gametype and map:

    Over 9000!!!
    9000 Arena

    Hope you guys enjoy it and see ya online.
  2. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Looks like a very amusing map :) maybe you can add more varieties of maps, make a series of 'hero VS villain' maps:) nice job pretty original 4.5/5, maybe one thing you could add is some cover for the humans, even if it's not immovable just to aid them that little bit more but still Good Job and a Dl from me :)
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    So... I'm trying to figure this one out. In essence it's a fat kid/duck hunt combo. The alpha is a fat kid/hunter combination... he can't move and pretty much just snipes from a tower with a spartan laser?
  4. ODST Leon

    ODST Leon Ancient
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    This map is so fun! to bad i'm never infected and im always the "poor sap" who always gets killed first, other than that, i just have one thing to say, "this maps ratings is OVER 9000!!!!!!...out of 5.
  5. Dark Soldier04

    Dark Soldier04 Ancient
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    !!! WOW! Cool! 5/5! That super saiyan is so great! Best DB mod of all time! Make more mod (or maps) like this one! GREAT JOB!
  6. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    This looks like a really good map and i will download immediately. This looks like it plays well. I cant really see any problems with it but if you are going to make a version 2 try adding a few asthetics to show you put more time and care into the map while keeping the same gameplay. i will rate if i ever get a party of 12 with mythic that arent annoying.
  7. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    looks like fun! youve got a dl from me.
    if you make a v2, id sugest merging everything. itll not only make the floor smoother and smoother looking, but get more dl's and views.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks quite fun. At first it looked like another non-original map but this actually looks great, and something i gotta download. And i am quite i fan of DBZ... ^^
  9. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    Great! I have never seen anything like this before. 1 would give it over 9000 thumbs up, but i don't have that many hands. GREATTTTTT! I have DL and have played it with 16! I was usually not the zombie and I always seemed to survive until i was last man!

    P.S. My friends are horrible with spartan lazers.
  10. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    hahaha this is a great idea
    pretty much like a fatkid/duckhunt hybrid
    however there are a couple issues with the map
    using double walls as floors is a bad idea because they move around after you save and get all bumpy
    also in the first pic (not the one with Vegeta on it) there is a double block just sticking out in the open
    try to interlock that into the rest of the arena
    but those are just small things that dont take away too much from the map
    good work
  11. neostrike

    neostrike Ancient
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    i wanna try this map anyone need someone to play with just add me archblade x i read all of it and looks fun i also downloaded it
  12. Pumpdamoose

    Pumpdamoose Ancient
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    I just downloaded the game. Its alot of fun. Played it with about 10 people I think. One thing you should do is to make the zombie a little less powerful, only one person in our game actually killed the zombie because he turned super saiyan, and the zombie was AFK on the platform for about 20 seconds. So my point is to make them alittle less powerful. Great game anyways!
  13. avenger1362

    avenger1362 Ancient
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    sound great im downloading it right when im finished typing
  14. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Very creative, I can't DL (Out of space), but looks excellent! 5/5
  15. FailSayan

    FailSayan Ancient
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    honestly.. i dled because of the name lol.
    but its a great map and really funny.

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