Sniper gauntlet

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by InherentFlame, May 12, 2009.

  1. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    Sniper gauntlet was made up when i went into a game with a pal of mine and the map we went on made me think if it was possible to do a map like this. So i tryed and i succeeded.

    The game is pretty straight forward with the zombies having to storm the blue base, while the humans with snipers are trying to stop them.

    The map has obstacles for the zombies to hide behind and it is blocked up so nobody can escape the main playing area.

    The humans base area is blocked up so that the humans can't escape but the zombies can get in. once they are in thats when the humans start fearing for their lives.

    Game varient details:

    the zombie and human traits are basically similar except that the zombies have increased speed.

    The humans spawn with snipers and zombies spawn with energy sword



    The zombie base where they spawn.


    The human base. Use the slits for sniping.


    Gauntlet overview.


    The best overview i could possibly get.

    Links: : Halo 3 File Details .:The map:. : Halo 3 File Details .:The game varient:.

    A mention to i2 hardcore 4u who assisted me in the alligning of the main gauntlet area.
    #1 InherentFlame, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You posted the same image for humans and zombies spawn areas...
  3. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    woops sorry ill fix that immediately

    now fixed
    #3 InherentFlame, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You may also want to provide some details about the game type... zombie and human traits.
  5. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    added that in aswell :)

    thank you for telling me
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Originality - not very original. It's essentially a bunker that you defend from zombies... which has been done in different variations one way or another hundreds of times.

    Aesthetics - pieces appear to be placed fairly neatly and I see that the y tube is geomerged, but this map is extremely simple to make. There is nothing on this map that really stands out.

    Game play - simple enough. At least this game requires some skill to play by giving humans snipers.

    Improvements - First thing I'd do is remove those fusion coils. It takes away the skill required to kill zombies and zombies are already at a disadvantage because one sniper shot will most likely kill them already. Second, I'd remove those wall slots. I'm not a big fan of those on their side. I'd rather see half walls merged together one right side up and the other upside down to give you a slot. Either that or possibly use wedges, one above and one below to create a slot to snipe through.

    What's zombie gravity set to? While it may not be possible to break the map on their own, would they be able to break the map with a double jump off of someone's head? The reason why I ask is because I can see a few blocks that look like you can get on top of by standing on someone's head.
  7. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    thank you for your comments i will try to improve these in v2
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    First off the post was eddited, people fix problems pointed out to them, go figure.

    Second please say why a map deserves a ten out of ten. Personaly I like zombie games that don't just benafit the humans allowing them to mop the map with dead mowed down zombie corpses. If you were to take out the coils like shroomz said you would be almost at that enjoyable point. I also am a big fan of snipeing so I do like the concept of the gametype. However hunkered down defending an onslaught of enamies is quite overplayed. I personaly like games of infection where humans quake in their boots in fear of a zombie poping up.

    I am assuming you have a fair bit of cash left so I would seriously consider adding some asthetics into your map. I would also like to see a recomended number of players and initial zombie count. If there is lots of humans and few zombies I would adjust game to no shields and high damage resistance for the zombies to the point that it would require three or more body shots to kill a zombie but only one headshot that would reward the sniper for going for the head a bi more. Your map does have promise though keep at it.
  9. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    Where do i begin...

    On a closer examination of this map i noticed it had 3 MAIN errors.

    Merging needs to be put into this map for sure.
    Either make the fort/tower have taller walls to stop humans using them for higher vantage points or to get out of map.
    Remove fusion coils.

    Maybe give the zombies low camo as good snipers can make light work of the zombies on this map.

    Hope this helps.

    I2 NINJA 4U
    #9 i2 hardcore 4u, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  10. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have taken ur things into consideration and now working a v2

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