[SIZE=+2]PreMiuM v3[/SIZE] http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=77954296 [SIZE=+2]PreMiuM v3.1[/SIZE] Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details FINALLY DONE: sSeiZur3's masterpiece playable 4v4 CTF and TS PreMiuM is a mostly two-way, partly four-way symmetrical map, with a blue and red side, each side with two slightly differing bases. The bases spiral smoothly down in a four-way symmetrical fashion, into the slightly lower middle section. From there one can jump up to one of the two the top-mid towers or drop to the lower-mid portion. In general the middle section looks simple and open from above, but the unique drop-under bridge formations and variable ground cover mean maneuvering around the ground results in good stealth but poor sight lines. To achieve map control , one team must use a high-ground set up that spans the map, as chasing on the ground is difficult without teamwork. High up there are integrated positions that offer high ground advantage, but I will leave them for the players to discover. The map plays TS and CTF; and literally everyone, friends, pros, AND randoms, LOVED it. The flag spawn can be found in one of the bases on each side, buried as far away from the enemy flag as possible, but closer than usual to the enemy border, making the flag tantalizingly close but the capture effort amounts to more than you bargained for... Screenshots: TOP OVER RED OVER BLUE LAST UPDATE: The problematic forges that would simply continue to negate themselves have been fixed, and the blatantly unsmoothed walkway on blue flag side and red carbine side have been fixed. Overall, the map is so smooth! Don't forget to slide jump around, you might find a coupla cool routes ENJOY! **edit MORE SCREENSHOTS!: BLUE CARBINE BLUE JUMPUP BOTTOM RED FLAG NADE TRAPPIN DOWN LOW RED FLAG UNDER BRIDGE VIEW FROM RED WALKWAY ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! Screenshots: Bungie.net : Halo 3 Screenshots Walkthrough Vid: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This looks really good, the centerpiece looks amazing, but do you have a weapon list by chance? I couldn't see one when looking at your post.
As the others said it looks smashing but is it possible that you could put in some ground pictures because I would like to see weapons and how the gameplay might work
sORRY Sorry about the download link, copy/paste error... I added some more screenshots, check out the walkthrough vid available in my fileshare; the link is at the bottom of the first post. This is the first of a few maps I will be releasing shortly, so start drooling! After you see this one, you will know I have a few tricks up my sleeves
More... Off the top of my head the weapons list is as follows: 6 Carbines 8 BR's 4 Plasma nades 4 frags 1 mauler NO powerups NO power weapons
So it is supposed to be an MLG map? At least your weapons lead to that conclusion. Just one question: are there respawn points on this map? From your Forge screenshots I can't see some, just four starting points on each side (which is unnecessary: if you place one starting point and 3 respawn points around that, a team of four will spawn on those four spots). If there is no respawn points covering your map area than I think it plays like Grifball and spawn-killing is unavoidable ..
haha of course there is spawn points actually the spawn system is amazing it took me a long time to get both slayer and CTF playable... some of the screenshots are in an MLG flag game just to show the flag position and to get a coupla "action" shots... and yes I guess it would be an MLG map but any gametype with a BR start would be fun
this map plays so well i have been running a lot of MLG ons flag and slayer and even just ffas on this map. the flag locations were a very nice touch. finally someone broke away from the usual cookie cutter MLG maps
Looks like the Red flag has a camping spot right next to it... oops. Also, don't take pics in Forge mode. 4/5
**update** [SIZE=+2]PreMiuM v3.1[/SIZE] Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Partially updated, minus the mauler problem lol, with slight weapon location changes based on the feedback Ive gotten. Weapons are as follows: 10 BR's @ 10 sec 8 Carbines @ 20 sec 1 Mauler @ 60 sec (not drop spawn) 4 Plasmas, two at either jump-up 4 Frags, two at each flag base
More screenshots... in forge, showing spawns and some diff angles... toMIDred Bird'sEye Blue Bird'sEye MidBlue toREDflaggish inBLUEcar red2red