i would block off the green room because whenever i play it people camp in it a shoot anybody going up or to the lift
if anything i would take the center section of the map and turn it into like a 3 lvl base and what not
OMG you are all WRONG. Dont you guys keep up with BUNGIE? BLACKOUT is the new LOCKOUT. FROM BUNGIE.NET Last week we revealed the second map from the Legendary Map pack (due April 15th), Avalanche. That map is a reimagination of Halo: Combat Evolved map Sidewinder. This week, we're showing the final map from the Legendary Map Pack, Blackout. As its name suggests, Blackout is a remake of the Halo 2 classic Lockout, a cold series of interconnected platforms and walkways. Where Avalanche was retuned, reworked and massaged into something both familiar and unfamiliar, Blackout is a remake in a pretty strict sense of the word. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=13413 So after reading this you guys realize that ur all just a bunch of sillygooses
I hated lockout and would prefer not to see it again. It seemed to always appear in matchmaking in halo2 when i played
Don't flame, please. Stay on topic. I know Blackout is going to be amazing as long as they have some immovable objects to play with like bridges, stairs, double boxes, etc. You can make additional pathways and tunnels while blocking off other parts of the map to create your own version of Blackout. Want to create a ramp leading from the elbow to the top of Lift Room? Go for it. Want to block of the entire BR tower side? By all means, go ahead. Omg I'm drooling. Its going to be awesome. --dc
I'm sorry for the flame, but I love when people are SO SURE of things and then are wrong Back on topic: I would build more platforms above and below the map, making it a seven story deathtrap
Wow you seriously need to chill the people who where arguing about Guardian and Lockout remakes were arguing BEFORE Blackout was announced ^^Totally agree^^
And what good would that do other than confuse people? lol, jk. "They're taking the flag through the green roo- I mean red r- aw sh** nevermind he went THAT WAY!!!" That would be a roflcopter and a half. --dc
LOL that's would be hilarious for cops and robbers Instead of get to the green room NOW! Get the pink and and purple room NOW Lol Or G** Da** It He's camping in the pink room with the flamethrower Lol the possibilities are endless
lol! I didn't really play halo2 all that much online so I didn't know. Have you seen the pics of Blackout. It looks so freakin awsome. I read a little about it on bungie.net and they said that they wanted to make a human version of Lockout because they thought it would be more fun. It's supposed to be like some kind of factory in the Arctic. That's about all I know right now.